
[News] HBM and Advanced Packaging Expected to Benefit Silicon Wafer

2024-07-03 Semiconductors ChloeWang

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology enjoys rapid advances, the demand for AI chips is skyrocketing, driving continuous improvements in advanced packaging and HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) technology, which is expected to benefit the silicon wafer industry.

Recently, Doris Hsu, the Chairperson of GlobalWafers, revealed that HBM memory chips required by AI, such as HBM3 and the upcoming HBM4, need to be stacked on dies, with the number of layers increasing from 12 to 16. Additionally, a layer of base wafer is required underneath the structure, which adds to the consumption of silicon wafers.

Previously, it’s reported that there is a severe global shortage of HBM amid the AI boom, and original manufacturers’ HBM production capacity for this year and next already sold out. They are continuously revving up capital investment and expanding HBM production. According to industry insiders, compared to memory technologies of the same capacity and process like DDR5, the size of wafer for HBM chip has increased by 35-45%. Meanwhile, the complexity of HBM manufacturing processes leads to a yield rate that is 20-30% lower than DDR5, while lower yield rate means that fewer qualified chips can be produced from the same wafer area. These two factors imply that more silicon wafers are needed to meet HBM production demands.

Apart from memory, innovations in advanced packaging technology also conduces to silicon wafer. Hsu mentioned that more polished wafers are required for advanced packaging than before in that packaging has become three-dimensional, and the structure and processes have also changed, which means that some packaging may require twice as many wafers as before. With the releasing of  advanced packaging capacity next year, the number of wafers needed will be even more significant.

As an advanced packaging technology, CoWoS (Chip on Wafer on Substrate) is in vogue currently, with demand overbalancing supply.

As per TrendForce’s survey, NVIDIA’s B series, including GB200, B100, and B200, will consume more CoWoS capacity. TSMC is also increasing its annual CoWoS capacity for 2024, with monthly capacity expected to approach 40k by the end of this year, an over 150% increase compared to 2023. The planned total capacity for 2025 could nearly double, and the demand from NVIDIA is expected to account for more than half.

Industry insiders pointed out that with the development of advanced semiconductor processes in the past, die size reduced and brought down the consumption of wafer. Now, driven by AI, the three-dimensionality of packaging leads to an increase in wafer usage, thereby facilitating the development of the silicon wafer industry. However, it is important to note that while silicon wafer is experiencing a boon, the development of HBM and advanced packaging technologies imposes higher requirements on the quality, flatness, and purity. This will also prompt silicon wafer manufacturers to make corresponding adjustments to cope with the AI trend.

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Please note that this article cites information from WeChat account DRAMeXchange.

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