Monthly Archives: May 2023

Full-size TV panel prices to rise above cash costs in May, while notebook panel prices remain stable

In May, TV panel prices are expected to continue rising due to strong inventory momentum and dynamic operating capacity utilization by panel manufacturers. Especially Chinese manufacturers aim to restore TV product profits to above break-even points by the end of …

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Tata Group to Become the Fourth iPhone Assembler as Production Relocation Accelerates

Due to geopolitical and pandemic, Apple has been accelerating the diversification of its supply sources, with India being the most well-known case for such transfer. According to TrendForce, India’s Tata Group is expected to become the fourth iPhone assembler for …

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Smartphone Market Dims as Refurbished Market Rise

As smartphones have entered a mature phase, the pace of innovation has slowed down. Additionally, the hardware and software of smartphones have reached a certain level, leading to longer lifespans and indirectly causing longer replacement cycles. On the other hand, …

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Ennostar may take the lead on Micro LED chips from the delayed of Apple Watch launches?

Apple’s plan to release the first Apple Watch with a Micro LED display in 2024 has reportedly been delayed until the second half of 2025 or later due to production challenges. However, this delay shows Apple’s cautious approach to technology …

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Fierce Rivalry in AMOLED Panel Market Triggers Rapid Price Drop

Due to weak demand in the mobile phone market, the decline in prices of mobile phone panels, especially AMOLED panels, has accelerated this year. Under overcapacity pressure, the price decline has exceeded expectations. According to our survey, some brands actively …

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