Monthly Archives: July 2023

Market Demand Remains Weak, No Signs of Rebound in Spot Prices for DRAM and NAND Flash

TrendForce has released the latest spot prices for DRAM and NAND Flash, indicating that market demand remains weak and there are no signs of a rebound in spot prices. The details are as follows. DRAM Spot Market: Similar to the …

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Global GaN Power Device Market Set to Soar, Reaching $1.33 Billion by 2026

According to TrendForce’s “2023 GaN Power Semiconductor Market Analysis Report – Part 1,” the global GaN power device market is projected to grow from $180 million in 2022 to $1.33 billion in 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of …

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Can Toyota Overtake in the New Energy Vehicle Race with Solid-State Batteries?

Toyota announced during a technical conference on June 13, 2023, that Toyota has identified suitable materials to commercialize solid-state battery technology around 2027-2028, intending to introduce new energy vehicles powered by these batteries to the market. Out of the 2.17 …

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