Monthly Archives: September 2024

[News] China’s 1H24 Chip Equipment Purchases Exceed Taiwan, Korea, and US Combined, Reaching USD 25 Billion

Amid the escalating tech war between China and the US, along with rising geopolitical tensions, China has accelerated its import of chip manufacturing equipment since the middle of last year to counter potential US chip sanctions, with Dutch company ASML and …

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[News] SK hynix: Startups Might Abandon HBM in AI Chip Design, But Not High-performance Computing Products

Among memory giants which are accelerating their development of next-gen HBM amid the AI boom, SK hynix, NVIDIA’s major HBM supplier, is at the forefront as it dominates the market. According to Kangwook Lee, Senior Vice President and Vice President …

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[News] A14 Node to Utilize High-NA EUV, with TSMC Likely to Adopt the Technology

TSMC, along with research teams like imec, continues to push the boundaries in pursuit of optimal solutions for achieving high bandwidth and low power consumption on the same chip area. As per a report from Commercial Times, Imec has even …

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[News] U.S. Manufacturing PMI Continues to Contract, but Computer & Electronics Industry Rebounds Strongly

    Summary:  Manufacturing PMI slight uptick New orders and production sub-indices continue to decline Uneven demand recovery across sectors   The U.S. manufacturing PMI showed a slight uptick in August, according to data released by the Institute for Supply Management …

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[News] Wafer Foundry Market Shows Signs of Recovery

Recently, wafer foundry market has seen various dynamics from related manufacturers. TSMC is reportedly planning to build its third plant in Japan, while Samsung has delayed the construction of its Pyeongtaek P4/P5 chip plants to 2026, prioritizing the Texas Taylor …

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