Research Reports


Global Smartphone Production for 2021 Is Forecasted to Grow by 9%; COVID-19 Remains Central Variable in Projection


DRAM , Wafer Foundries , Smartphones


TrendForce in its review of the performance of the global smartphone market during 2020 finds that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on device production...

Tight Supply in Consumer DRAM as Consumer Market Demand Recovers in 2021




As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during 1H20 not only resulted in the suspension of numerous communication network tenders...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20201216




DRAM suppliers are holding out for higher prices and have not really offered new quotes for contract trading that is taking place this December...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20201216


NAND Flash


The sluggish stocking dynamics from channels, together with the unrecovered purchase intensity from...

Prices of NAND Flash Controller ICs Are Poised to Rise Due to Tightening Production Capacity for Foundry Services


NAND Flash


The latest research on the NAND Flash market by TrendForce finds that demand has risen significantly...

Foundry Market Bulletin_20201214


Wafer Foundries


3nm Process: Phase 4 to phase 6 of construction for TSMC’s Tainan-based Fab 18 is now underway...

Update on Operational Statuses of DRAM and Foundry Plants in Taiwan Following the Earthquake on Dec. 10


DRAM , Wafer Foundries


An earthquake that was 6.7 in magnitude occurred off the eastern coast of Taiwan at 9:19 p.m. on December 10...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20201209




It is now the beginning of December, and DRAM suppliers generally have stopped offering contract quotes...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20201209


NAND Flash


The demand of the channel end continues to weaken, whereas the purchase intensity of servers and data centers is yet to recover...

Power Outage at MTTW Cost a Week’s Worth of Bit Output for the Plant and Will Lower Server DRAM Supply in 1Q21 (Vol. 3)


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


TrendForce’s latest investigation on the power outage that occurred at Micron’s subsidiary plant MTTW on December 3 finds that the incident...

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