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TrendForce 2024 Micro LED Market Trend and Technology Cost Analysis-2H24


Micro/Mini LED , LED Video Wall +1


Chapter I. Micro LED Toatl Market Analysis  Chapter II. Micro LED Substrate Material and Technology Analysis  Chapter III. Micro LED Large-Sized Displays Chapter IV. Micro LED Small and Medium Displays  4.1 Wearable Devices 4.2 Head-mounted Devices 4.3 Automotive Display Chapter V. Micro LED Commercial Development Analysis Chapter VI. Micro LED Manufacturer Dynamic Updates

TrendForce 2024 Micro LED Market Trend and Technology Cost Analysis


Micro/Mini LED , LED Video Wall +1


Chapter I. Micro LED Market Analysis Chapter II. Micro LED Technology Development 2.1 Micro LED Mass Transfer Technology Development 2.2 Micro LED Inspection Technology Development Chapter III. Micro LED Large-Sized Displays Market Analysis Chapter IV. Micro LED Wearable Display Market Analysis Chapter V. Micro LED Automotive Display Market Analysis Chapter VI. Micro LED Player Dynamic Updates

[Selected Topics] Trends in the Technological Development of Micro LED Projection Displays for Metaverse Headsets


Display Panel & LED


OST, or Optical See-Through, is a technology primarily used in augmented reality (AR) systems that allows the eyes to perceive both the real world and virtual images on a transparent display simultaneously. In the future, most AR developments are expected to revolve around OST display technology. Due to the influence of ambient light on OST, the brightness performance of Micro OLED, which is based on organic materials, is limited in OST displays. Micro LED, on the other hand, not only meets multiple OST requirements simultaneously but is also the only current technology capable of challenging the goal of reducing micro-projection light engine sizes to less than 0.5 cubic centimeters. As a result, the technology has garnered a significant amount of attention in the market. In 2023, the chip production value of Micro LED for AR glasses was US$600,000. With ongoing technological breakthroughs and the gradual release of related applications, this value is forecasted to escalate to US$50 million by 2027. This projection excludes the value derived from CMOS substrates, bonding materials, and the intricate equipment involved in Micro LED manufacturing.

[Selected Topics] 2023 SID Display Week (Presentation)


Display Panel & LED


1. Display 2. Mini LED/Micro LED/Micro OLED 3. Materials

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