As AI technology rapidly advances, this seminar will explore industry transformations driven by key technologies. TrendForce experts will share forward-looking insights and in-depth analysis on key topics, including foundry industry trends for 2025, the impact of generative AI on the AI server market, the role of HBM in advancing memory technology, and emerging NAND Flash market trends.
AI技術の進化により、世界的な半導体需要が急増し、台湾と日本の技術協力がますます重要視されています。2024年に稼働開始予定のTSMC熊本工場により、日台間の競争力も大幅に向上することでしょう。 本セミナーでは、グローバルな技術競争とサプライチェーンの課題を分析し、2025年の市場動向を展望します。今後のビジネスチャンスを逃さず、最新のトレンドを把握しましょう!
As AI technology rapidly advances, This seminar will explore industry transformations driven by key technologies. Topics include foundry industry trends for 2025, the impact of generative AI on the AI server market, the role of HBM in memory development, and how Korean panel makers are repositioning in a competitive display supply chain. The potential of iLED technology in the modern display market will also be highlighted, offering participants forward-looking insights to navigate future challenges.