Research Reports

LED Demand / Supply Database

TrendForce Customer Service- Touch Taiwan 2022 Exhibition Report


LED , Sapphire Market , LED Demand / Supply Database


TrendForce Customer Service- Touch Taiwan 2022 Exhibition Report

LED Industry Demand and Supply Database- 1Q22 (EXCEL)


LED , Sapphire Market , LED Demand / Supply Database


Demand- IT Display, Lighting, Automotive, Digital Display, UV LED, IR LED
Supply- GaN AS/P MOCVD, Wafer Sufficiency

LED Industry Demand and Supply Database- 1Q22 (PDF)


LED , Sapphire Market , LED Demand / Supply Database


Demand- IT Display, Lighting, Automotive, Digital Display, UV LED, IR LED
Supply- GaN AS/P MOCVD, Wafer Sufficiency

Supply Status Updates on Key Components of Major Categories of End Products, Vol. 2


LED , Sapphire Market , LED Demand / Supply Database


Looking at 1Q22, stock-up activities have slowed down a bit for the semiconductor components used in end products such as PCs, TVs, and smartphones...

Armed Conflict over Ukraine Could Impact Supply of Gases Used in Semiconductor Manufacturing and Thereby Ratchet Up Chip Production Costs


LED , Sapphire Market , LED Demand / Supply Database


News agencies around the world are reporting that Russia has recently deployed around 100,000 troops near its border with Ukraine and is now conducting military exercises in Belarus...

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