Research Reports

AI Server/HBM/Server

Server DRAM Industry Analysis-2Q21


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


Looking back at 1Q21, the market status of server had turned optimistic and active, and the inventory level that had returned to the healthy level in early 2020...

Pandemic-Induced Cloud Migration Dynamics in Asia Pacific May Alleviate Inventory Gap of Server Supply Chain


DRAM , NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server +1


The COVID-19 pandemic had decelerated the global economic development over the past year, yet expedited on the progress of enterprise cloud migration. Businesses, regardless of scales...

Suppliers Sustained 12.4% QoQ Drop in Enterprise SSD Revenue in 1Q21 Owing to Incomprehensive Recovery in Demand


NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server


The COVID-19 pandemic had ascended cloud services last year, and magnified the purchase volume of enterprise SSD...

Total Server DRAM Revenue of Top 3 Suppliers Rose by 1.7% QoQ for 1Q21 as Market Was Relatively Warm Despite Off-Season


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


TrendForce’s analysis of the server DRAM market for 1Q21 finds that the brisk procurement activities in 4Q20 were carried over to 1Q21...

Server Market Report_1Q21


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


Global Server Market in 1Q21
Server and Cloud Sectors
Relationship between OEMs and Taiwan’s ODMs
Key Market Trends and Topics
Conclusion and TRI’s View

Server DIMM Price Apr. 2021


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the server DRAM market has entered the industrial peak season in April...

Enterprise SSD Contract Price 2Q21


NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server


TrendForce’s latest survey of the enterprise SSD market finds that demand is rising steadily in 2Q21. Shipments of L10 servers have...

Annual Shipment Growth in Server Exceeds 5% as Expedited by New Norm, with a Steady Rise in ODM Direct Ratio


DRAM , NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the rapid changes in the international politic situation in recent years...

Server DIMM Price Mar. 2021


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


The latest research from TrendForce finds that the DRAM market is now in a period of cyclical upturn. During March, DRAM buyers were eager to increase their inventories...

DRAM Longer Term Projection_1Q21


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


DRAMeXchange offers an additional purchase which only applies to the above Platinum members, a longer-term projection extending into 2022 on Supply/Demand Section.

We also provide our Key Projections on Demand/Supply Bit Growth, Sufficiency and price on the quarterly basis.

*Please take noted that we only provide this report in English ONLY.

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