As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence TrendForce, server DRAM exhibited two different price trends this month. DDR4, due to excessive inventory among channels...
According to the latest research by global market intelligence firm TrendForce, demand remains relatively weak for end products...
According to the latest research by global market intelligence firm TrendForce, DRAM suppliers and PC OEMs have engaged in discussions regarding insufficient procurement quantities in October...
This week’s Bulletin provides an update on the respective markets of Chinese CSPs and corresponding enterprise OEMs...
Looking at transactions in the contract market, the situation is similar to last week. PC OEMs are still actively clearing their inventories...
As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the server DRAM market continues to benefit from the increase of prices...
Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the DRAM industry’s revenue totaled US$26.02 billion for 3Q24...
Now, in 4Q24, the latest survey of contract transactions indicates that only the server DRAM segment shows noticeable trading volumes...
Auras shared an optimistic outlook during its latest earnings call. The company expects overall business growth next year, driven by an increase in shipments of liquid cooling components...
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