Research Reports


NAND Flash Demand Stays Healthy for Now but Growing Uncertainty Will Cause Increasing Inventory Pressure


NAND Flash


As the coronavirus pandemic grows in scale and severity, Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand...

Server Shipments Better than Expected for Offseason and Still Going Strong in 2Q20


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


According to investigations by DRAMeXchange, a division of TrendForce, server shipments enjoyed double digit...

Summary of COVID-19’s Effects on Tech Industries


DRAM , NAND Flash , Wafer Foundries +21


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to accelerate and cause damage to the global economy and consumers’ purchasing power, TrendForce has compiled its latest report on the statuses of key electronics component and downstream industries, with data last updated on March 26, 2020. The report provides a deep dive into the pandemic’s influences on several high-tech industries.

Supply Crunch in 2020 Will Lead to a Reshuffling of Enterprise SSD Makers in Market Share Terms


NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server


Samsung and Intel together accounted for more than 60% of the global market share for Enterprise SSDs in 2019...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20200325


NAND Flash


Negotiations over 2Q20 contracts are currently underway. Although the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the wider economy is intensifying...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20200325




We maintain our view from last week that prices will rise for March contracts with the average prices of mainstream PC DRAM...

California’s COVID-19 Lockdown Will Not Significantly Affect Shipments of Whole Servers for Now


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


In a bid to contain the rapidly expanding coronavirus outbreak, the US state of California has just issued...

Memory Supply Is Still Unaffected by COVID-19 Lockdowns Worldwide but ASPs Could Fall Soon Due to Worsening Outlook


DRAM , NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server


In an effort to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, countries around the world have implemented temporary measures to...

NAND Flash Contract Prices Will Stay on Upswing in 2Q20 for Now but Overall ASP Could Tumble in 2H20 Due to the Pandemic


NAND Flash


For this quarter (1Q20), the ASP in the whole NAND Flash market has risen by about 5% QoQ despite the headwinds...

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