Research Reports


Server DIMM Price Dec. 2022


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, most buyers, having arrived at the end of the year, have slowed down on procurement...

DRAM Contract Price Dec. 2022




Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that after finalizing their 4Q22 contracts in October, the major DRAM suppliers and PC OEMs were mostly quiet during November and December...

Development of HBM and CXL in the Age of AI, Vol. 3


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


The release of new-gen server CPUs Intel Sapphire Rapids and AMD Genoa in 4Q22 has led to continuous discussion in CXL...

COVID-19 Lockdown in Zhengzhou Has Accelerated Apple’s Implementation of Employing Second Outsourced Manufacturer for iPhone Pro Series


DRAM , Smartphones


Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that with Chinese government easing its measures for controlling local COVID-19 outbreaks...

Foundry Market Bulletin_20221226


Wafer Foundries


Chinese foundries, seeing how stocking dynamics have been sluggish from clients...

1Q23 Memory Price Projection


DRAM , NAND Flash , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by the latest survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, 4Q22, carrying on from the price projection...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20221221




TrendForce forecasts that the overall DRAM ASP will drop by around 13-18% QoQ for 1Q23. It is worth pointing out that Micron...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20221221


NAND Flash


The latest wave of sanctions (announcement of Entity List) imposed on Chinese suppliers by the US has prevented sellers from engaging active sales of wafer contracts during December...

MLCC Market Bulletin_20221221




After China’s State Council unveiled their new 10-point plan at the beginning of the month, China’s Academy of Information and Communications Technology further declared on their WeChat official account that they will be optimizing COVID measures to execute scientific......

Long-Term Projection Indicates YoY Growth of NAND Flash Demand Bits Will Stay Under 30% as Demand Slows for PC Client SSDs


NAND Flash


Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that for a while, the COVID-19 pandemic was driving procurement activities related to working from home and digital transformation...

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