Research Reports


YMTC Officially Included in Entity List on 12/15 and May Fade Out from 3D NAND Market after 2024


NAND Flash


As indicated by the latest survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, it has been over 60 days since YMTC was included in the Unverified List (UVL) by the US government on October 7th...

Foundries Are Seeing Reallocation of Orders as Intensifying Geopolitical Tensions Force US Electronics Brands to Further Limit Chinese Participation in Their Supply Chains


Wafer Foundries


Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the US government has been working aggressively to reduce the possibility of China achieving ≤16nm semiconductor manufacturing...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20221214




Continuing from last week, the momentum of price decline is still concentrated in the server DRAM segment...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20221214


NAND Flash


End buyers of consumer electronics, under conservative stocking and the slight contribution from seasonal demand, have sizably improved in inventory compared to the previous quarter...

As Decline in Memory Prices Continues, Production Cost Will Determine Memory Suppliers’ Profitability and Guide Their Decisions on Production Cut




The latest research by global market intelligence TrendForce reveals that from the start of 2022 onward, the memory market as a whole has been affected by continuous supply expansion and weakening demand...

MLCC Market Bulletin_20221213




According to US NRF’s latest data, the number of consumers returning to physical stores for Thanksgiving shopping increased 9% compared to the previous year, resulting in higher-than-expected sales performance on Black Friday, also the first Black Friday after restrictions were removed...

Foundry Market Bulletin_20221212


Wafer Foundries


As mentioned from the Market Bulletin published by TrendForce on November 14th 2022, TSMC has six phases planned for its Fab 21 in Arizona at a respective capacity of roughly 20-30Kwspm...

Overview of Semiconductor Subsidy Policies


Wafer Foundries


1. European Chips Act
2. US Subsidy Policies
3. Japan Subsidy Policies
4. Partnership between Japan and the US
6. Cooperation Framework and Organization of Rapidus
7. Strategy for Future Development and Cooperation
8. Conclusion

Overview of Semiconductor Subsidy Policies


Wafer Foundries


1. European Chips Act
2. US Subsidy Policies
3. Japan Subsidy Policies
4. Partnership between Japan and the US
6. Cooperation Framework and Organization of Rapidus
7. Strategy for Future Development and Cooperation
8. Conclusion

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-4Q22


NAND Flash , Smartphones


An overview of the developments in the NAND Flash market during 4Q22 is as follow: Demand has fallen noticeably for enterprise SSDs as high inflation and rising interest rates constrain CapEx for companies across most sectors...

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