Research Reports


NAND Flash Wafer Contract Price Oct. 2022


NAND Flash


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, procurement activities are continuously in stasis from the supply chain even with the arrival of a traditional peak season for stocking...

NAND Flash Contract Price Oct. 2022


NAND Flash


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, SLC NAND Flash prices remained leveled this month under sluggish demand and the continuously lethargic level of market transactions...

Specialty DRAM Price Oct. 2022




Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that as the DRAM market enters 4Q22, suppliers have been making further price concessions due to the ongoing growth in bit output...

MLCC Price Oct. 2022




ODMs have announced their shipment and revenue performance for September. While Hon Hai and Quanta were able to maintain steady shipments and operating momentum thanks to......

DRAM Contract Price Oct. 2022




Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the top three DRAM suppliers have been aggressive in providing PC OEMs with acceptable contract quotes since the beginning of October...

Foundry Market Bulletin_20221031


Wafer Foundries


Calculated in terms of KRW, Samsung foundry's 3Q22 revenue increased by 6.3% QoQ but, if converted and based on US$, 3Q22 revenue was...

Mobile DRAM Contract Price 4Q22




As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the decelerated intensity of procurement among brands for the purpose of regulating inventory that started since 3Q22 has now yielded results...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20221026




DRAM contract prices continue to slide. Prices of some PC DRAM transactions have fallen to almost...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20221026


NAND Flash


The negotiations for 4Q22 contract prices are being conducted amidst sellers’ aggressiveness in sales and passiveness in enquiries...

AMD Likely to Exceed 22% in Market Share of x86 Server CPU Shipment in 2023 under ESG and Delayed Mass Production of Intel Sapphire Rapids


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by TrendForce’s latest survey on the supply chain, Intel has postponed the schedule for the mass production of Sapphire Rapids owing to how the appalling yield rate of Intel’s 7nm process has induced bottlenecks in various tests and qualifications...

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