Research Reports


NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20220209


NAND Flash


As observed by TrendForce, January saw a persistently sluggish demand for consumer electronics, as well as a slow reduction in inventory among module houses...

Server DIMM Price Jan. 2022


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the market was affected by numerous unexpected events (e.g. earthquake in Taiwan, lockdown in Xi’an, and fire at ASML’s Berlin plant)...

Specialty DRAM Price Jan. 2022




As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, spot prices have rebounded from rock bottom owing to the lockdown in Xi’an at the end of 2021...

NAND Flash Wafer Contract Price Jan. 2022


NAND Flash


Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that negotiations over NAND Flash wafer contracts were noticeably dragged out this January...

NAND Flash Contract Price Jan. 2022


NAND Flash


Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that January saw warming demand for SLC NAND Flash storage solutions from applications such as...

DRAM Contract Price Jan. 2022




TrendForce reports that after staying flat in November and December last year, contract prices of PC DRAM products were again up for negotiations in January this year as the month was the critical period for arranging 1Q22 contracts...

MLCC Price Jan. 2022




After stock-taking in late 2021, ODMs made a significant improvement in inventory level control with inventory levels falling...

Mobile DRAM Contract Price_1Q22




Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that DRAM suppliers were under the pressures of high inventory and quarterly revenue target near the end of last year...

Power Application Markets for 3rd Generation Semiconductor


Compound Semiconductor


1. Introduction to 3rd Generation Semiconductor Industry
2. Industry Chain for SiC Power Components
3. Industry Chain for GaN Power Components
4. Application Scenario Analysis on 3rd Gen Semiconductor
5. Analysis on Supply and Demand of 3rd Gen Semiconductor Power Market
6. Major Suppliers of 3rd Gen Semiconductor Industry Chain
7. Development Tendency and Recommended Strategies for 3rd Gen Semiconductor Industry

DRAM Market Bulletin_20220126




Some 1Q22 contracts for PC DRAM have been arranged, but most quarterly deals are still being negotiated...

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