Research Reports


MLCC Market Bulletin_20210823




ODMs continued to horde 8-10 weeks’ worth of low-mid range MLCC inventory levels in July, and the slowing down of pull-in orders are seeing no signs of improvement. Furthermore, American-European markets have seen...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20210818


NAND Flash


Major products are currently shipped according to the quarterly contract prices, though as emphasized in several recent reports of TrendForce, the demand from the procurement end...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20210818




TrendForce maintains its view from last week that negotiations over contract prices are not expected to be at a significant level for August...

Total NAND Flash Revenue Rose by 10.8% QoQ for 2Q21 Due to Strong NB Demand and Procurements for Data Centers


NAND Flash


TrendForce’s analysis of the developments in the NAND Flash market in 2Q21 finds that clients in the data center segment were gradually stepping up enterprise SSD procurement after finishing inventory adjustments...

Peak Season Caused Server DRAM Revenue to Rise Sharply by 35.3% QoQ for 2Q21


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


Market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the momentum of server DRAM procurement was stronger in 2Q21 than in 1Q21 mainly because buyers were anticipating further hikes in component prices and had concerns about uncertainties in the supply chain...

Server Market Report_2Q21


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


Dynamics of Server Market in 2Q21
Developments of Server OEMs & CSPs
Relations between OEMs and Taiwan’s ODMs
Key Server Market Topics and Trends
Conclusion and TRI’s View

26% QoQ Growth Seen in 2Q21 DRAM Market as Shipment Surpassed Expectation and DRAM Quotations Magnified




As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the demand end had further amplified the purchase intensity during 2Q21 in fear of higher subsequent prices and insufficient source of products after the official subversion in DRAM prices in 1Q21...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20210811




It is now the first week of August, and negotiations over contract prices have temporarily ceased following the completion of the latest quarterly deals...

NAND Flash Market Bulletin_20210811


NAND Flash


The gradual recovery of daily lives in Europe and America thanks to the elevating vaccination rate has resulted in an apparent revision in the orders of educational demand for 4Q21...

Sliding Spot Prices and Weakening Demand in Some Applications Could Cause NAND Flash Wafer Prices to Drop in September


NAND Flash


TrendForce’s latest survey of the NAND Flash market finds that most negotiations for 3Q21 contracts did not finish until the middle of July...

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