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Research Reports

[Selected Topics] Trends and Competitions of AI Chip Market under Era of Gen AI


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The AI chip is undoubtedly the lifebuoy of the technology industry in 2023, creating new vitality in the industry downturn. In 2024, this wave will undoubtedly continue to sweep through the industry with more services being created under Gen AI. NVIDIA, as it dominated the AI chip market in 2023, will be facing additional challenges in 2024, including whether in-house chips from the six major CSPs, such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, will pose as potential threats.

Chinese players, who can only purchase downgraded versions of NVIDIA chips currently, have also turned to purchasing in-house chips from China. This report will analyze which Chinese suppliers are being driven by this trend. Advanced packaging CoWoS that was regarded as a bottleneck for the capacity of AI chips throughout 2023, as well as the additional of new suppliers for 2024, will also be covered in this report.


Table of Contents
1. Analysis on Trends of AI Market

2. Analysis on AI Competitions
  (1) Major Competing Suppliers
  (2) Progress on In-House Chips among Five Major Players
  (3) Progress on In-House Chips among Chinese Suppliers

3. Bottlenecks and Challenges of AI Industry
  (1) Bottleneck of CoWoS Capacity
  (2) Formation of Non-TSMC CoWoS Supply Chain

4. TRI’s View 
  (1) NVIDIA’s Insufficient Provision Prompted CSPs to Accelerate R&D on In-House Chips
  (2) Chinese Suppliers Forced to Accelerate in In-house R&D Due to Restricted Purchase Option
  of Downgraded NVIDIA Chips
  (3) TSMC Remains as Largest Player in CoWoS Supply Chain amidst Formation of Non-TSMC
  Supply Chain

<Total Pages:13>

USD $2,000



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