
TV Panel Price Increases Converge, Monitor Panel Prices Halt Upward Trend and Stabilize

2023-09-05 Display TrendForce

In the realm of TV panels, after experiencing consecutive growth for two quarters, brand customers are increasingly feeling the pressure of rising procurement costs. Additionally, with the momentum for year-end promotions gradually winding down, brand customers are preparing to adjust their TV panel purchases, with these adjustments expected to gradually reflect in price trends over the coming months. Looking at TV panel prices in September, it is currently projected that 32-inch and 43-inch prices will remain stable, while 50-inch and 55-inch models will see a $1 increase, and 65-inch and 75-inch models will see a $3 increase. Compared to the previous months, price increases are expected to show significant convergence.

On the monitor panel front, demand in the commercial sector continues to be weak, and brand customers in the consumer sector are gradually reducing their procurement needs. Furthermore, they are adopting a more conservative outlook for fourth-quarter demand, resulting in a shrinking price increase potential. While there is still some room for minor upward adjustments in prices for certain lower-priced models, overall, the trend of continuous price increases witnessed in recent months is expected to cease. It is currently anticipated that monitor panel prices in September will remain stable across the board.

Turning our attention to notebook panels, overall demand has reached its peak. However, panel manufacturers remain proactive in pushing for higher panel prices. When it comes to specifications, demand for lower-tier TN models is still relatively stronger compared to mid to high-tier IPS models. Consequently, there is a possibility of TN panel prices maintaining their previous months’ upward trend, while IPS panels also have a chance of seeing price increases in September due to the active efforts of panel manufacturers. It is currently projected that lower-tier TN models may see a $0.2 increase in September, while mid to high-tier IPS models may see a $0.1 increase.