
[News] Apple’s Foldable Devices Reportedly to Debut with iPad, Placing Orders on Samsung

2024-05-13 Consumer Electronics editor

Industry sources cited by a report from Economic Daily News have indicated that Apple is accelerating the development of its foldable device, moving up the expected launch from 2026 to 2025. Apple has reportedly placed orders for flexible panels from Samsung, with plans for the foldable device to debut with the iPad before expanding to the iPhone.

Moreover, the smartphone market leader is said to have already secured a supply of flexible panels from Samsung in the first half of this year, hinting at its determination to enter the foldable market.

Hinges are expected to be the most crucial and newly added component for Apple’s foldable device, experiencing a surge in demand. Shin Zu Shing, Taiwanese supplier for foldable smartphone hinges, having cooperated with Apple in the field for many years, stands to benefit greatly.

In addition,  other Taiwanese Apple supply chain partners, including Foxconn, Largan Precision, and Pegatron, are anticipated to benefit similarly as with existing iPad and iPhone production. The aforementioned Apple suppliers typically refrain from commenting on individual customer and order dynamics.

A report from SamMobile also indicated that, Apple may have signed a contract with Samsung Display (SDC) for the supply of foldable displays. It is estimated in the same report that limited supplies will begin in 2025, ramping up to mass production in 2026. By 2027, the supply is expected to reach 65 million units, increasing to 100 million units in 2028.

Additionally, the ordered display sizes are larger than those of existing iPhones, indicating that the display components procured by Apple from Samsung will be used in new foldable device products.

Industry sources cited in the report from Economic Daily News believe that Apple’s first foldable device will be unveiled by the end of 2025 or early 2026, targeting the ultra-high-end market segment. It is expected to come in two sizes: 7.9 inches and 8.3 inches, competing against foldable devices from Samsung and Huawei.

According to the analysis released by TrendForce in the second half of last year, Apple’s development in the folding field still requires time. Apple’s foray into foldables has been tepid, to say the least.

TrendForce reports that global shipments of foldable phones reached 15.9 million units in 2023, marking a 25% YoY increase and accounting for approximately 1.4% of the overall smartphone market. In 2024, shipments are expected to rise to about 17.7 million units, growing by 11% and slightly increasing the market share to 1.5%. However, this growth rate remains below market expectations, with the segment’s share predicted to exceed 2% only by 2025.

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(Photo credit: Apple)

Please note that this article cites information from Economic Daily News and SamMobile.

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