
[News] Russia Reportedly Completed the Manufacturing of a Lithography Machine for 350nm Chip Production

2024-05-28 Semiconductors editor

According to foreign media reports on May 25, Russia’s first lithography machine has been completed and is currently undergoing testing. Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, pointed out that this equipment can ensure the production of 350nm (0.35μm) chips.

350nm chip is said to be relatively lagging by modern standards, but it can still apply to various industries such as automotive, energy, and telecommunications. The successful development of this lithography machine represents a milestone for Russia in achieving self-sufficient chip production in the future.

Currently, the global lithography machine market is still dominated by ASML, Nikon, and Canon.

According to publicly available information from foreign media, Russia has two main wafer fabs at present, Mikron and Angstrem. Mikron provides 65-250nm chip manufacturing capabilities, while Angstrem, which went bankrupt and reorganized in 2019, provides 90-250nm chip manufacturing with an 8-inch wafer fab. Both companies mainly offer chips for military, aerospace, and industrial applications. Therefore, the new home-made lithography equipment is expected to be supplied to these two companies.

Down the road, Russia aims to manufacture a lithography machine that can support the 130nm process by 2026. Previously, Russia announced the plans to achieve a 65nm chip node process by 2026, 28nm chip manufacturing domestically by 2027, and 14nm domestic chip manufacturing by 2030.

(Photo credit: TASS)


Please note that this article cites information from WeChat account DRAMeXchange.

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