
[News] Samsung Expected to Unveil its 1nm Plan in June, Advancing it to 2026

2024-05-29 Semiconductors editor

Samsung’ Foundry Business Division is set to host a Foundry and SAFE Forum in Silicon Valley, U.S., on June 12-13. According to Business Korea, the tech giant would reveal its latest technology roadmap, reportedly moving up its 1nm mass production schedule from 2027 to 2026.

Samsung’s SF1.4 process, which is said to compete with TSMC’s 1.4nm, originally targets to start mass production in 2027. Now the company seems to make an update and move the schedule ahead.

As per Samsung’s previous roadmap, the 2-nanometer SF2 process is set to debut in 2025. Compared to the second-generation 3GAP process at 3 nanometers, it offers a 25% improvement in power efficiency at the same frequency and complexity, as well as a 12% performance boost at the same power consumption and complexity, while reducing chip area by 5%.

In a previous report, Business Korea noted that Samsung had already secured the first batch of orders for 2nm AI chips, which goes to Japanese AI startup Preferred Networks.

On the other hand, TSMC, the leading semiconductor foundry, has also reportedly secured its 2nm order, as its 2nm process in on track for mass production in 2025.

Industry sources indicated that Apple’s Chief Operating Officer, Jeff Williams, made a visit to TSMC in May to secure the latter’s advanced manufacturing capacity, potentially 2nm process, booked for Apple’s in-house AI-chips, according to a report by Economic Daily News.

TSMC plans to reach the A16 node (1.6nm) in 2027. According to a previous report by TechNews, citing foreign media, TSMC is expected to start mass production for 1.4nm around 2027-2028. Recent reports from Economic Daily News indicated that TSMC intends to establish a factory in the Science Park of Taibao City, Chiayi County in central Taiwan to produce 1nm chips.

▲The advanced technology roadmap of TSMC, as shown in the 2024 Technology Symposium (Source: TSMC)

(Photo credit: Samsung)

Please note that this article cites information from Business Korea and Economic Daily News.

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