
[News] Apple’s AI Push on iPhone 16 in China Faces Obstacles in Finding Local Partners

2024-06-21 Consumer Electronics editor

Though being capable of running AI features may be the primary focus for global smartphones this year, due to restrictions on AI products’ usage in China, the Wall Street Journal reports that the upcoming new iPhone, expected at the end of the year, will not be able to use ChatGPT in China. Apple has reportedly been in discussions with companies like Baidu for potential partnerships, but no progress has been made yet.

China is Apple’s largest market for iPhones outside the United States. While smartphones from various brands will integrate AI this year at full throttle, incorporating apps like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, these apps from Western countries are not permitted for use in the Chinese market. According to the Wall Street Journal, industry insiders indicate that Apple is still searching for a Chinese AI partner. However, with the new iPhone set to launch in a few months, no progress has been made.

Notably, as per a report from TrendForce, in the first quarter, Apple faced a decline in sales in the Chinese market, resulting in a  drop in annual production to 47.9 million units.

In China, companies must obtain government approval to release AI devices. As of March this year, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission has approved 117 generative AI products, none of which are from brands outside of China.

The Wall Street Journal, citing industry sources, reported that Apple had tentatively inquired with Chinese authorities earlier this year about the possibility of allowing foreign language AI models on their smartphones. While believing approval to be unlikely, Apple has reportedly sought partnerships with local companies instead.

One of Apple’s main competitors, Samsung, has already launched the Galaxy S24 this year, featuring real-time translation and AI-enhanced photo editing and search capabilities. Samsung’s phone includes its own generative AI and also collaborates with Google. However, since Google’s AI tool Gemini is not permitted for use in China, Samsung has shifted to partnering with Baidu and Meitu AI.

It is not new for global tech companies to adjust their product and service offerings to cater to the Chinese market. For example, Apple uses state-owned enterprise servers for iCloud in China, and the recently launched Vision Pro cannot stream Apple TV+ in the country.

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(Photo credit: Apple)

Please note that this article cites information from the Wall Street Journal.

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