
[News] Patent War Begins – Huawei and MediaTek Go after Each Other for Patent Infringement

2024-07-30 Consumer Electronics / Semiconductors editor

Recently, it was reported that Huawei filed a patent infringement lawsuit against MediaTek in a Chinese local court. According to a report from TechNews, in response, MediaTek and its subsidiaries, HFI Innovation and MTK Wireless, have initiated countermeasures by filing a lawsuit against Huawei in a UK court, accusing Huawei of patent infringement.

MediaTek has stated that the case against Huawei is now in the judicial process and has declined to comment further. On the other hand, Huawei has not publicly responded to the matter.

A report from Chinese media outlet YiCai further cited sources, revealing that the dispute between MediaTek and Huawei over patent fees has been continuing for two to three years, yet the two parties are still unable to reach an agreement due to pricing issues.

On July 18, a report from Nikkei indicated that Huawei had filed a patent infringement lawsuit against MediaTek in a Chinese local court, drawing industry attention. On July 19, MediaTek issued an announcement stating that the lawsuit has no significant impact on the company, that it has entered the judicial process, and that the company will not comment further.

Industry sources cited by TechNews further suggest that Huawei’s lawsuit against MediaTek for patent infringement likely involves 5G (and possibly 4G, 3G, etc.) cellular network mobile communication technology. Reportedly, the reason for the lawsuit is that Huawei proposed a corresponding fee to MediaTek based on terminal patent licensing prices, but MediaTek considered the price too high, leading to the impasse.

Notably, both Huawei and MediaTek hold a large number of related patents. As of the end of 2022, Huawei possessed over 120,000 validly authorized patents worldwide. According to another report from YiCai, it owns 20% of the world’s 5G and Wi-Fi 6 patents, 10% of 4G patents, and 15% of NB-IoT and LTE-M patents.

As for MediaTek, it held over 13,000 patents globally by the end of 2022, with 1,200 patents granted in that year alone. These figures only include granted patents, excluding pending applications. Additionally, MediaTek ranks first among Taiwanese companies in the number of global patents for 5G, Wi-Fi, and HEVC/VVC technologies.

Industry sources cited by the Commercial Times also note that in recent years, China’s technological capabilities have significantly improved, and companies have been actively applying for patents domestically and internationally. With the support of the Chinese government, they have also started to frequently engage in patent litigation. Last year, Chinese courts received 5,062 technical intellectual property and monopoly cases.

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(Photo credit: MediaTek)

Please note that this article cites information from TechNewsYiCai, Nikkei and Commercial Times.

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