
[News] SK Hynix Launches the World’s Highest-Performance GDDR7

2024-07-31 Semiconductors editor

On July 30, 2024, SK hynix announced the launch of next-generation memory product, GDDR7, with the world’s highest performance.

SK hynix explained that GDDR is characterized by the performance specifically designed for graphic processing and high-speed property, which has gaining an increasingly more traction from global AI application customers. In response to this trend, the company completed the development of the latest GDDR7 specifications in March this year, which was now officially launched and will achieve mass production in the third quarter of this year.

SK hynix’s GDDR7 features an operating speed of up to 32Gbps (32 gigabytes per second), which represents an increase of more than 60% compared to the previous generation, and can stand at 40Gbps depending on the usage environment. Built on the latest graphics card, it can support data processing speed of over 1.5TB per second, equivalent to processing 300 FHD (5GB) movies in one second.

In addition to providing faster speeds, GDDR7 boasts an energy efficiency 50% higher than the previous generation. To address chip heating issue caused by ultra-high-speed data processing, SK hynix adopted new packaging technology in the development of this product.

SK hynix’s technical team maintained the product size while increasing the heat-dissipating layers in the packaging substrate from four to six and used highly thermally conductive epoxy molding compound (EMC) in the packaging materials. As a result, the technical team successfully reduced the thermal resistance of the product by 74% compared to the previous generation.

Lee Sang-kwon, Vice President of SK hynix DRAM PP&E, said that SK hynix’s GDDR7 has achieved the highest performance of existing memory chips with excellent speed and energy efficiency, and its applications will expand from high-performance 3D graphics to AI, HPC, and autonomous driving.

Through this product, the company will further strengthen its high-end memory product line while developing into the most trustworthy AI memory solution company for customers.

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(Photo credit: SK hynix)

Please note that this article cites information from WeChat account DRAMeXchange.

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