According to a report by ijiwei, citing Rest of the World, sources indicate that Foxconn has stopped sending Chinese employees to Apple’s iPhone factories in India. Instead, the company has opted to deploy Taiwanese workers, as Chinese employees who were initially scheduled to travel to India were reportedly informed that their trips had been canceled.
The report further reveals that specialized manufacturing equipment, originally intended for shipment to India, has been held up in China, while India lacks the technological capability to produce such equipment locally.
This situation could potentially disrupt iPhone assembly operations at Foxconn’s factories in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, located in southern India, as the report notes.
The report from Rest of the World highlights that manufacturing iPhones in India is part of Apple’s broader strategy to diversify its production amid increasing U.S.-China tensions.
Foxconn began manufacturing iPhones in its Tamil Nadu facility in 2019, initially focusing on older models, as the report points out. By 2022, the company expanded its Indian operations and increased its workforce, aiming to produce newer iPhone models in the region. In 2024, the Tamil Nadu plant assembled the latest iPhone Pro models for the first time, as highlighted by the report from Rest of the World, citing Bloomberg.
Despite these efforts, India’s iPhone production still relies on Chinese workers, a small number of Taiwanese staff, and specialized manufacturing equipment imported from China, according to the report.
To address potential disruptions resulting from the suspension, Foxconn has taken measures to increase the production and export of semi-finished iPhones from its Chinese factories, ensuring that India’s final assembly plants can continue producing sufficient smartphones during this period, as the report states.
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(Photo credit: Foxconn)