
[News] TSMC Took Another Step in Advanced Process Expansion

2024-09-16 Semiconductors editor

Recently, TSMC updated the progress of the expansion of its sub-2nm advanced process. On September 11, Hsu Mao-hsin, Director-General of Taiwan’s Central Taiwan Science Park Administration, announced the expansion of the Taichung Phase 2 park.

Currently, 95% of the land required for TSMC’s plant construction has been secured through agreed purchase prices. The full transaction is expected to be completed by the end of this year, with the land ready for TSMC by the first quarter of next year.

The Phase 2 park covers 89 hectares, of which the Hsingnong Golf Course occupies 67 hectares, representing about 76.8% of the total area and making it the largest landholder. The budget for land acquisition is approximately TWD 23.7 billion.

Currently, there are 111 landowners and structures in the park, with 70% of the owners agreeing to the acquisition, covering 95% of the total area.

In addition to supporting TSMC’s new plant, the rest of around 3 hectares are available for related industries to apply for residency. Several companies in semiconductor supply chain and precision machinery industry have already expressed interest in moving in, and the Central Taiwan Science Park Administration is encouraging IC design companies to join.

Presently, TSMC has concentrated most of its advanced process manufacturing facilities in Taiwan. Aside from three 2nm wafer fabs in its Kaohsiung Nanzi Park, there is also space available to accommodate sub-2nm technology fabs. Industry insiders revealed that Kaohsiung is already preparing for the deployment of the A14 (14 angstrom) process. The first 2nm fab in Nanzi is expected to start mass production in 2025.

Although 2nm product is still absent from the market, their output value is expected to surpass that of 3nm. Insiders indicated that future applications will include HPC (high-performance computing) and smartphone technology sectors.

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(Photo credit: TSMC)

Please note that this article cites information from WeChat account DRAMeXchange.

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