
[News] Samsung to Reportedly Begin DS Division Restructuring by Year-end, Aiming to Break down Silos

2024-09-18 Semiconductors editor

Regarding the continuous struggle of its foundry business, Samsung has reportedly decided to make another move, as its semiconductor division (DS) plans to undertake a major organizational restructuring within the year, according to a report by Chosun Biz.

Through the restructuring, DS Division President (Vice Chairman) Jeon Young-hyun is said to focus on addressing major issues related to organizational culture, such as the lack of communication between departments and team self-interest, the report notes.

The revelation follows Samsung’s reported up to 30% layoffs in overseas workforce last week, as noted by Reuters. The plan, set to be implemented by the end of this year, will affect jobs across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Citing industry sources, the report indicates that Samsung Electronics’ DS division plans to strengthen collaboration processes by integrating existing team-based structures into a project-centered model, with an aim to resolve issues arising from the siloed operation of departments.

As a comprehensive semiconductor company with a broad range of businesses, Samsung faces quite a few challenges, while the proliferation of business units and task forces leads to competition and friction between departments. In the development of chips or processes, differing interests among departments—such as semiconductor design, fabrication, and reliability evaluation—can cause communication problems, which may ultimately lead to business failures.

Samsung has been fighting to catch up with its rivals, not only in the foundry sector but in memory as well. Chosun Biz notes that the Korean semiconductor giant is lagging behind competitors in areas like high-bandwidth memory (HBM), cutting-edge DRAM, and foundry technology over the past 2-3 years, which may be attributed to this organizational culture.

Samsung’s foundry division has been working out to mass-produce 3-nm GAA (Gate-All-Around) technology for around three years but still struggles with customer acquisition. A report by The Korea Times states that the yield for Samsung’s 3nm process remained in the single digits until Q1 this year, and slightly improved to about 20% in Q2, though still significantly below the 60% threshold generally needed for mass production.

In terms of DRAM, Samsung seems to gradually lose the leading edge as it has started to fall behind SK hynix, especially in the HBM market. In its latest attempt, Samsung teams up with its foundry rival, TSMC, on the development of HBM4, according to Business Korea.

Moreover, Samsung is facing challenges on the DDR5 DRAM market. Chosun Biz suggests that discrepancies between the quality goals set by the development department and the actual specifications of the mass-produced product delayed Samsung’s entry into the server DDR5 DRAM market by more than 3-6 months, compared to SK hynix.

The report took its setback in the 10-nm 5th generation (1b) DDR5 server DRAM last year as an example. The product, which supplied to Intel, failed to meet the promised performance and was deemed substandard.

In early September, another report by Korean media outlet ZDNet reveals that the tech giant might be facing difficulties in its cutting-edge mobile DRAM, as Samsung’ Mobile eXperience (MX) Division reportedly raised concerns with the DS Division about delays in the delivery of 1b-based LPDDR (low-power DRAM) samples, which are intended to be used in the Galaxy S25 series.

A Samsung Electronics spokesperson cited by Chosun Biz admitted that there continues to be a disconnection between the departments developing new processes and those responsible for mass production, with serious issues arising from the shifting of blame for failures.

However, would Samsung’s latest effort work out? An industry insider cited by the report notes that Intel has attempted to make a change through the “IDM 2.0” strategy over the past three years, but solving these issues in a short period of time has proven difficult. He suggests that it is necessary to go beyond just restructuring to fundamentally change the organization.

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(Photo credit: Samsung)

Please note that this article cites information from ChosunBiz, Reuters, The Korea Times, Business Korea and ZDNet.

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