Google has reportedly collaborated with TSMC on the upcoming Tensor G5 chip, slated for use in the Pixel 10 series smartphone to be released next year, according to media outlet Android Authority, based on information it spotted in trade databases. Google has been cooperating with Samsung on its ...
According to Taiwan's Economic Daily News, UMC has recently engaged in discussions with global giants such as Texas Instruments and Infineon about long-term cooperation plans. Additionally, Taiwan’s two leading IC design companies, MediaTek and Realtek, have seen their inventories of WiFi 6/6E chi...
According to a report by Nikkei News, SK Hynix is considering expanding its investment to Japan and the US to increase HBM production and meet customer demand. Reportedly, the demand for high-bandwidth memory (HBM) is surging thanks to the AI boom. SK Group Chairman and CEO Chey Tae-won stated ...
According to Bloomberg, mega economies like the US and the EU have invested tens of billions of dollars in the research and mass production of next-generation semiconductors, and notably, this is only the initial amount of funding already received. Meanwhile, South Korea and Japan have also joine...
This May, we have witnessed two different approaches to the new High-NA EUV (high-numerical aperture extreme ultraviolet) lithography equipment between semiconductor giants. Intel has secured the first batch of High-NA EUV kits from ASML, which will allegedly be used on its 18A (1.8nm) and 14A (1.4n...