As Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset earlier this week, Samsung, which has been working on its in-house Exynos 2500 to improve the 3nm yield, is said to abandon the plan and go Snapdragon 8 Elite only for the entire Galaxy S25 series. To turn the tide, it is reportedly embarking on th...
Netherlands-based chip equipment maker ASML recently announced a reduction in orders for its 2025 forecast, leading to a sharp decline in its shares. The industry is concerned about ASML's revenue from China. According to Wccftech, ASML’s CEO Christophe Fouquet mentioned that China’s typical...
According to a report by China’s CCTV Finance on October 20, Samsung Electronics has recently begun restructuring its business, with the semiconductor division deciding to withdraw from the light-emitting diode (LED) business. Samsung Electronics to Focus on Power Semiconductors The report h...
The global race to develop semiconductor industries is heating up, with countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and India making significant strides. Now, the Philippines is joining the fray with a new push to expand its presence in the sector. According to a Bloomberg report, the Philippine...
SK hynix Inc announced today that it recorded 17.5731 trillion won in revenues, 7.03 trillion won in operating profit (with an operating margin of 40%), and 5.7534 trillion won in net profit (with a net margin of 33%) in the third quarter this year. According to the third-quarter financial report...