Consumer Electronics


LGD, BOE Face Panel Quality Issues, SDC’s iPhone15 Panel Share Grows

Based on a recent analysis by TrendForce, LG Display is encountering a challenge with its supply of 6.7-inch panels and chassis for the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The issue revolves around tolerance, leading to the development of a growing dark spot (GDS) once the components are assembled. Unfortunately, this problem has hindered the successful passage of quality verification tests. Consequently, LGD’s production timeline is anticipated to face a one-month delay, awaiting the resumption of shipments following the completion of revalidation later this month. To manage the reduced panel supply during this interim period, Samsung Display (SDC) will step in and provide supplementary support.

From the standpoint of downstream assembly facilities, the adjustments in supply have the potential to impact production operations in Zhengzhou for approximately two weeks. It’s projected that by ramping up production subsequently, these effects can be mitigated.

On a different note, BOE has successfully achieved its goal for this year by participating in the development of panels for both the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus. However, owing to recent quality concerns necessitating mask adjustments, they might encounter a significant decrease in shipments. Simultaneously, since SDC is a key supplier for these two new models as well, they will step up to fill the void created by BOE’s supply shortfall.

Taking a historical perspective on BOE’s involvement in supplying iPhone panels, their journey began with the iPhone 12, providing components for repairs, and subsequently transitioning into regular supply for the iPhone 13. Their prowess in LTPS and OLED technology has been acknowledged. However, with the introduction of the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus models, which incorporate the Dynamic Island design featuring a center-hole punch, the demands placed on the panels have become more stringent. The alteration in mask design is likely a pivotal factor that requires additional time for BOE to optimize panel yield and quality.

TrendForce underscores that the issue pertaining to panel quality only marginally affects the overarching shipping schedule for the iPhone 15 series. Its main consequence lies in the reshuffling of panel suppliers, while SDC continues to assert its dominance as the primary supplier of new model iPhone panels this year, accounting for nearly 70% of the market share.


Impact of Chromebook Licensing Fees: How Will the Market be Affected?

According to a report by Taiwan’s Economic Daily, Google has notified Chromebook manufacturers to start collecting licensing fees from July 1st, prompting laptop brands to accelerate shipments ahead of schedule. As a result of this “urgent order,” Taiwan’s contract manufacturers achieved better-than-expected results in Q2.

In a press release dated July 3rd, TrendForce noted that Google’s formal imposition of Chromebook licensing fees is bound to affect the competitiveness of Chromebooks in the entry-level market. However, laptop brands, in order to avoid incurring additional costs due to licensing fees, are actively advancing Chromebook shipments regardless of having a clear grasp of end-demand orders. This enthusiasm has driven overall Chromebook shipment performance in the second quarter.

TrendForce mentioned that after a seven-quarter adjustment period, education tender orders from North America, Indonesia, and India have begun to emerge for Chromebooks. Additionally, with assistance from the United Nations Children’s Fund, Ukraine’s educational reconstruction needs have also gradually emerged. Nevertheless, due to the off-peak season for Chromebooks in the latter half of the year and the impact of licensing fees, demand is expected to remain subdued compared to the first half.

Furthermore, according to TrendForce’s insights, following Google’s formal initiation of licensing fees, the ODM production costs for consumer-grade Chromebooks have risen by $6 to $8, while business-grade laptops have experienced an increase of $7 to $12. However, considering the stagnation in end-demand this year, brand manufacturers have yet to make any adjustments to end-user pricing.

(Photo credit: Google)


[News] Sluggish Mobile Market, Reports of Significant Price Reduction in Qualcomm Chips

According to a report by Taiwan’s Economic Daily, the revival of the smartphone market has fallen short of expectations. Industry sources have indicated that in order to stimulate customer demand and expedite inventory clearance, Qualcomm has recently initiated a price war, targeting mid- to- low-range 5G smartphone chips. The price reduction is substantial, ranging from 10% to 20%. It is anticipated that Qualcomm’s price reduction strategy will extend into the fourth quarter.

The consumer electronics market began to slump in the fourth quarter of last year. Downstream inventory levels began to visibly dissipate in the first half of this year, gradually returning to normal. There was optimism in the market that the Chinese smartphone market would improve in the second half of this year, and there were even reports of a slight resurgence in Qualcomm’s chip shipments during the second quarter.

However, even after China’s 618 shopping festival, the downturn in the consumer electronics market has not shown significant improvement. This has led to Qualcomm’s inventory levels rising to nearly two quarters’ worth.

With low order visibility and high inventory, the supply chain has reported that Qualcomm has recently decided to initiate a price war, primarily focusing on the mid- to low-range market segment. If the pace of inventory clearance falls short of expectations, there is a possibility of further intensifying the price reduction efforts.

Industry analysts suggest that Qualcomm’s extensive price cuts underscore the challenging situation in the mid- to low-range 5G smartphone market, where demand has been lackluster.

(Photo credit: Qualcomm)


[News] LGD Set to Unveil 136-Inch Micro LED Display Next Year in Collaboration with Unikorn Semiconductor

According to the news from Taiwan tech media, TechNews, in a groundbreaking move, Samsung has unveiled its inaugural 110-inch Micro LED television, signaling a significant foray into the premium TV segment. Not to be outdone, competitor LG Display (LGD) is reportedly poised to make its own mark by launching a 136-inch Micro LED smart display next year, with initial applications targeted at theaters, indoor conference rooms, and other similar venues.

According to insider sources, LGD is gearing up for mass production of its impressive 136-inch Micro LED display, expected to commence around July of the upcoming year. The initial production goal is set at over 100 units, with deployment primarily earmarked for theaters, indoor conference facilities, and possibly large-scale corporate headquarters.

Notably, LGD’s ambitious 136-inch smart display project is a collaborative effort with Micro LED from Unikorn Semiconductor, which is a subsidiary under Ennostar. Unikorn emphasized the paramount significance of this partnership, affirming substantial breakthroughs in both quality and yield through their joint endeavors. By elaborating during a recent press conference, underlining the imminent production review phase scheduled for the third and fourth quarters – a pivotal juncture that could potentially elevate Micro LED’s contribution to Unikorn’s revenue to a significant proportion. Interestingly, this timeline harmonizes with LGD’s projected rollout of their Micro LED smart display.

But, Ennostar has no comment regarding this development, refraining from disclosing any customer-related particulars.

LGD is currently making assertive strides in the fiercely competitive Micro LED technology landscape. Notably, LGD recently acquired a set of 14 U.S. patents related to Micro LED technology from Taiwanese firm Ultra Display Technology, according to reports from, The Elec, a South Korean media outlet. These patents encompass crucial transfer processes, underscoring LGD’s strategic approach.

Furthermore, whispers from the industry suggest that Apple’s extensive Micro LED transfer process for the Apple Watch could see a significant handover to LGD. This would entail LGD overseeing an integrated workflow, encompassing chip manufacturing, backplane assembly, and transfer processes, while Apple retains responsibility for device design and pivotal technical support. The anticipated mass production timeline for the Micro LED-equipped Apple Watch has been deferred to the first quarter of 2026, a delay likely attributed to the recalibration of the production supply chain.

(Photo credit: LGD)


[News] Sony Hints at Modest Demand for iPhone 15

Sony, a major supplier of Apple’s camera sensors, suggests weaker demand for the upcoming iPhone 15 due to a lackluster year for Apple’s iPhone sales. Economic challenges have affected iPhone sales, though service revenues have offset losses. The flagship iPhone 15 series is scheduled for a September release.

Sony the world’s largest sensor supplier, had previously projected a gradual recovery in its smartphone imaging and sensing business by the second half of 2023. However, during its latest earnings call, the company revealed that this recovery might not take shape until 2024, mainly attributing the delay to underwhelming sales in the Chinese market.

Sadahiko Hayakawa, Sony’s Senior General Manager of Finance, stated, “The recovery pace of the Chinese smartphone market has been slower than our expectations, and the situation in the US market is worsening. We originally anticipated the smartphone market to recover starting from the second half of this fiscal year, but our current assessment suggests that it might not happen until at least next year.”

Sony’s top brass attribute a cautious outlook to a sluggish global economy and geopolitical uncertainties, hinting at muted demand for the iPhone 15 series. This stance resonates with analyst Ming-Chi Kuo view at TFI Securities, forecasting that iPhone 15 might struggle to surpass iPhone 14 sales records, posing challenges to Apple’s suppliers in H2 2023.

Apple reported a 2.4% decline in iPhone sales for its third fiscal quarter, reaching $39.7 billion, slightly below analyst estimates of $39.9 billion. The US region saw a 5.6% year-on-year drop in sales, highlighting a performance that falls short of expectations.


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