At this year's Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit, the company announced its latest PC processor, the Snapdragon X Elite. With impressive performance metrics, this development is poised to shake up the PC processor market as Arm architecture gains ground, posing a substantial challenge to the established x8...
SK hynix has introduced LPDDR5T (Low Power Double Data Rate 5 Turbo), a mobile DRAM with a remarkable 9.6Gbps speed. What sets this apart is its compatibility with Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform. LPDDR5T features a 16GB-capacity version, delivering data processing speeds of 7...
Major optical manufacturer, Largan Precision, held its online Q3 earnings conference on October 12, 2023. During the session, Chairman Lin En-ping's responses to inquiries from analysts conveyed that the previously sluggish smartphone market might finally witness an upturn in Q4, as the iPhone 15 Pr...
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This year's COMPUTEX successfully attracted global attention, with the participation of 1,000 exhibitors and nearly 50,000 technology experts, startups, professional buyers, and international media. Building on the success of this year's exhibition, COMPUTEX 2024 will revolve around Artificial Intel...
Chinese media reported on the 22nd that China's regulatory authorities are conducting investigations into Foxconn's factories in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Henan, and Hubei. This comes at a time when Apple's iPhone 15 series is in full production and seeing high shipment volumes. The investigation may pote...