

Strong End-Demand to Result in 8.6% and 46.2% YoY Growths for Smartphone and Tablet TDDI IC Shipments for 2021, Respectively, Says TrendForce

Given the forecasted recovery of the smartphone market and the corresponding rise in TDDI IC demand throughout this year, total smartphone TDDI IC shipment for 2021 is expected to reach 760 million units, according to TrendForce’s latest investigations. Tablet TDDI IC shipment for 2021, on the oth...


Limited IC Supply to Bottleneck Monitor Panel Shipment in 2021, Says TrendForce

The stay-at-home economy generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in persistent demand for IT products such as monitors, according to TrendForce’s latest investigations. However, the shortage of monitor panels has been increasingly severe since non-IT panels have been occupying most of manu...


Global TV Shipment Expected to Reach 223 Million Units in 2021, with Ultra-Large-Sized TVs Becoming Latest Focus for TV Brands, Says TrendForce

Thanks to the stay-at-home economy brought about the by the COVID-19 pandemic, TV shipment in North America saw the start of an upturn in late March last year, while demand in the European market also gradually ramped up in 2H20, according to TrendForce’s latest investigations. On the whole, globa...

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