

OLED Penetration in Smartphones to Exceed 50% in 2023

As costs continue to decline, it is projected that OLED technology will reach a 50% penetration rate in the smartphone market by 2023. Additionally, OLED is gradually making inroads into applications such as TVs, laptops, and tablets. According to TrendForce analysis, the current landscape of OLED technology presents various opportunities and challenges depending on the application. In the realm of smartphones, the number of OLED smartphone products is on the rise, and the technology is taking on diverse forms, including rigid OLED screens, OLED curved displays, and OLED foldable displays.

TrendForce predicts that by 2023, the penetration rate of OLED foldable smartphones will reach 1.6%, with sales volume increasing from 12.8 million units in 2022 to 18.26 million units. With advancements in OLED display specifications and increasingly competitive pricing, OLED foldable smartphones are poised to become mainstream in the market. Currently, the penetration rate of OLED foldable smartphones is relatively low, primarily because OLED technology has not fully met user demands for larger screens within the same form factor while maintaining affordability. This marks a significant development trend for foldable smartphones in the future.

In response to the ever-evolving landscape of smartphone screens and high consumer demand, panel makers are taking a multi-faceted approach to upgrading OLED technology. To achieve full-screen displays while ensuring quality in screen visuals and camera functionality, certain brands have begun utilizing hole-punch screens, integrating the camera beneath the display – a prime example being the iPhone 14 Pro series with its Dynamic Island. On the other hand, companies like Samsung, BOE, and CSOT are opting to forego punch holes altogether. Instead, they are enhancing screen transparency and incorporating the camera beneath the display by rearranging specific display area pixels and reducing size.

Panel makers are enhancing OLED technology to improve both lifespan and efficiency. They are adopting LTPO technology to dynamically adjust screen refresh rates, reducing power consumption. Additionally, for foldable screens, companies are eliminating polarizers, using color filters to reduce reflection, and switching to ultra-thin glass cover panels. These optimizations are in response to the varied demands of smartphone applications, and they signal the continued growth of OLED in future smartphone uses.

In the realm of TV, TrendForce thinks that COVID-19, geopolitics, and rising shipping costs, furthermore, companies have been focusing on the development of larger-sized TVs, particularly in the 65, 77, and 85-inch categories, causing the overall decline in the TV market in recent years. The OLED TV market is primarily dominated by Korean manufacturers LG and Samsung. TrendForce projects that in 2023, OLED TVs will account for approximately 2% to 3% of the overall TV market.

TrendForce suggests that Samsung and LG are currently enhancing OLED technology by adopting new materials and incorporating quantum dot technology to improve OLED’s luminous efficiency. This has led to an increase in the cost of OLED technology, which in turn has limited the widespread adoption of OLED TVs. However, with factors such as depreciation of production machinery, improved yield rates for OLED products, and streamlining of the production process, it is expected that OLED TV prices will gradually decrease in the future.


In 2023, OLED display shipments are expected to reach approximately 530,000 units, marking a 342% increase by YoY. However, OLED displays are projected to hold only a 2% to 3% market share in the overall display market. Within the OLED display market, LG is poised to surpass Dell and become the brand with the largest market share due to its proactive deployment of OLED product lines and diversified product offerings, along with strong demand for 27-inch products in the market.TrendForce states that the future of OLED displays lies in larger sizes, necessitating the use of higher-generation panel production lines for efficient and cost-effective OLED panel manufacturing.

Notebook, Tablet

In the laptop and tablet arena, as compared to smartphones and televisions, the application of OLED technology has been relatively limited. However, according to TrendForce, OLED technology is beginning to transition into IT-related applications. This includes innovations such as OLED Tandem device structures, as well as recent developments like JDI’s photolithography eLeap and Visionox’s ViP. These advancements are set to significantly enhance OLED performance and lifespan. When these technologies are ready for deployment, they are expected to effectively reduce OLED costs and substantially increase OLED panel penetration in the IT market.

Notably, Apple has already integrated OLED technology into its iPad products, and the Apple brand’s influence is expected to drive other brands to adopt OLED technology, accelerating OLED’s penetration in the IT market.

Automotive display

In the realm of automotive displays and other applications, TrendForce envisions a future for OLED technology characterized by transparency, extended lifespan, and versatility to meet the demands of foldable displays, automotive displays, and transparent displays. In automotive displays, OLED features such as high brightness, wide viewing angles, high contrast, and a broad operating temperature range make it suitable for applications like rear-seat entertainment systems and in-car infotainment displays. In the realm of transparent displays, OLED’s high transmittance and ability to display real-time information make it suitable for use in automotive windshields, windows, and A-pillars. Additionally, in the domain of stretchable displays, flexible OLED screens can be stretched and slid while maintaining a consistent thickness.


TV and Monitor Panel Prices Stabilize, Notebook Prices Continue to Rise in Late September

TV panel prices have reached relatively high levels after nearly two-quarters of increases. Brand customers face the dual pressures of weak demand and rising procurement costs, leading to early adjustments in their purchasing strategies. Third-quarter TV panel procurement has been revised down from the previous estimated 6-7% quarterly growth to near-flat levels. Fourth-quarter demand is also expected to decrease, requiring panel manufacturers to prepare for the off-season. Panel prices are anticipated to stabilize in late September.

Monitor panel demand surged in the second quarter, but third-quarter shipments are only expected to grow by 1~2%. As we approach the fourth quarter, brand customers will feel more pressure to adjust their demand. After a few months of slight price increases, monitor panel prices are expected to stabilize across the board in September.

Notebook panel demand peaked in August of the third quarter and is expected to dip slightly in September. However, overall third-quarter shipments are set to grow slightly compared to the second quarter. Some panel manufacturers aim to maintain price increases. With major brands increasing safety stock levels or working toward year-end goals, a marginal USD 0.1 increase in notebook panel prices is expected in September.


[News] No Improvement in Demand, TV Panel Faces Price Pressure Starting in October

TrendForce released panel price forecasts for early September, with Eric Chiou, Senior Research Vice President at TrendForce, noting that TV panel prices have been on the rise since February. However, despite the price uptrend, end-demand remains subdued. Coupled with the overall unfavorable economic conditions, signs of stagnant prices are emerging in September for TVs below 50 inches.

Chiou pointed out that if the outlook for the fourth quarter is not optimistic, we could be entering the peak season’s final stages. Brands are facing rising costs and limited promotional space, leading to a conservative approach in preparations for China’s Double 11 and Black Friday sales events in Europe and the US. Overall, 65-inch to 75-inch TV panels have a chance to increase by $3, but price pressures are expected to kick in for panels from October to December.

As the traditional TV market enters the off-season, the key factor will be the extent of price reductions and the profit margins for sellers.

Regarding IT panels, monitor panels are the least profitable among the three major applications. The price increases in the second quarter were already somewhat reluctant, with only low-end IT panels showing upward potential while high-end panels struggled to rise significantly. Overall, IT panels are facing stagnation in price increases and supply chain disruptions, with expectations of greater price pressure from the fourth quarter to the first quarter of the next year.

In the monitor panel segment, visibility for business laptops is not high, and brand manufacturers are expected to adjust panel procurement in the fourth quarter. Second-tier laptop manufacturers are likely to engage in price wars, facing significant pricing pressure. The panel industry conditions in the third quarter of this year were better than in the second quarter, but demand for panels in the fourth quarter may not match the third quarter’s performance.


TV Panel Price Increases Converge, Monitor Panel Prices Halt Upward Trend and Stabilize

In the realm of TV panels, after experiencing consecutive growth for two quarters, brand customers are increasingly feeling the pressure of rising procurement costs. Additionally, with the momentum for year-end promotions gradually winding down, brand customers are preparing to adjust their TV panel purchases, with these adjustments expected to gradually reflect in price trends over the coming months. Looking at TV panel prices in September, it is currently projected that 32-inch and 43-inch prices will remain stable, while 50-inch and 55-inch models will see a $1 increase, and 65-inch and 75-inch models will see a $3 increase. Compared to the previous months, price increases are expected to show significant convergence.

On the monitor panel front, demand in the commercial sector continues to be weak, and brand customers in the consumer sector are gradually reducing their procurement needs. Furthermore, they are adopting a more conservative outlook for fourth-quarter demand, resulting in a shrinking price increase potential. While there is still some room for minor upward adjustments in prices for certain lower-priced models, overall, the trend of continuous price increases witnessed in recent months is expected to cease. It is currently anticipated that monitor panel prices in September will remain stable across the board.

Turning our attention to notebook panels, overall demand has reached its peak. However, panel manufacturers remain proactive in pushing for higher panel prices. When it comes to specifications, demand for lower-tier TN models is still relatively stronger compared to mid to high-tier IPS models. Consequently, there is a possibility of TN panel prices maintaining their previous months’ upward trend, while IPS panels also have a chance of seeing price increases in September due to the active efforts of panel manufacturers. It is currently projected that lower-tier TN models may see a $0.2 increase in September, while mid to high-tier IPS models may see a $0.1 increase.


[News] BOE Expects 4Q Price Fluctuations, Stronger 2024 Demand

According to a report from Taiwan’s TechNews, despite running at a loss in the first half of the year, BOE believes that its target of shipping 120 million OLED panels still has a chance of being achieved. As the industry enters the traditional off-season in the fourth quarter, strict adherence to production capacity by panel manufacturers is expected to help stabilize panel pricing.

BOE mentioned that the price increases witnessed over the past few months were primarily driven by panel manufacturers, who maintained their bargaining power in price negotiations. This upward pricing trend continued into the third quarter. However, as the industry enters the off-season in the fourth quarter, some price fluctuations may occur. Nevertheless, panel manufacturers are expected to adjust their production capacity downward, making any potential price reductions manageable.

Furthermore, next year holds a brighter outlook for panel demand, with the average TV size projected to increase to 51.6 inches, compared to 50.2 inches in 2023, driving an 8% annual growth in TV demand for the coming year, compared to this year’s 3%. Replacement cycles are expected to contribute to overall demand for laptops and monitors next year.

In the first half of this year, BOE shipped approximately 50 million flexible OLED panels, marking a 76% year-on-year increase. The largest customer accounted for 43% of the total shipments. BOE believes there is still an opportunity to achieve the annual target of shipping 120 million panels. While the OLED business experienced an overall loss in the first half of this year due to increased capacity from second-tier suppliers and intensified entry-level competition, recent months have seen signs of a bottoming-out rebound in prices. Coupled with seasonal order increases, profitability is expected to continue to improve next year.

(Photo credit: BOE)

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