

[Insights] Late January TV Panel: 32-Inch Leads USD 1 Increase, Signaling Stabilization

According to the latest panel prices released by TrendForce in late January, panel manufacturers continue to implement large-scale production cuts and maintenance plans. Additionally, the shortage of upstream materials for polarizers is affecting the panel prices. 32-inch TV panel prices have seen a...


[News] Showcasing Strength with Apple and Sony? Samsung Has Presented its first 1.03-inch RGB OLEDoS Display

Samsung Display has unveiled the RGB version of Micro OLED (OLEDoS) for the first time at CES 2024, presenting the industry's reportedly highest-resolution RGB OLEDoS display screen. As per Samsung Display's news release, Samsung Display has indicated that Micro OLED achieves high-definition disp...


[Insights] The Panel Prices Entering Early January: Potential Price Increase for TV Panels, while Declines Expected in NB and MNT Panels

TrendForce discloses the latest panel prices for early January, with details as follows. TV Entering the first quarter of 2024, despite the onset of a demand downturn, panel manufacturers are persistently implementing large-scale production cuts and maintenance plans, aiming to create opport...


[Insights] The Panel Prices in Late December: Declines in TV, Monitor, and NB Applications

According to the latest panel price data released by TrendForce in late December, due to subdued demand at the year-end, prices for panels in the TV, monitor, and notebook (NB) segments have all experienced declines. Details are as follows: TV Panel: As we approach the year-end, with less-than...


[Insights] Early-December Price Update: All Panel Prices Soften Amid Slowdown Demand

The latest panel price update from TrendForce in early December indicates that prices for TV, notebook, and monitor panels will all decline this month due to the continued weakening of end-user demand. Detailed analysis is as follows: TV Panel Entering the fourth quarter, including promotion...

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