

[News] Rumors of Apple Car Possibly Using Micro LED, Could Spark an Automotive Revolution if True

According to a report by TechNews, it’s widely known that Apple has been quietly working on a not-so-secretive project known as “Project Titan,” which is centered around the development of the Apple Car. As per Autoevolution, the Apple Car might become the first vehicle to feature a Micro LED display. At the same time, TrendForce’s latest research indicates that Micro LED displays are set to become widely adopted in the automotive industry during the latter half of this century.

However, the exact unveiling date of the Apple Car remains unconfirmed. The most recent speculation suggests that this electric vehicle model could be launched in 2025 or 2026.

Apple has long aimed to incorporate Micro LED technology into its products. Initially, it was thought that the Apple Watch would be the first Apple product to adopt a Micro LED display. However, due to supply chain adjustments, the transition of the Apple Watch from OLED to Micro LED might be delayed until 2026, while Apple initially planned to introduce Micro LED technology to its watches by 2025.

Although the timeline for Micro LED introduction in the Apple Watch has been pushed to 2026, that year might witness widespread Micro LED adoption across various Apple products, including headsets, smartphones, and automotive applications.

Once Micro LED technology finds its way into the Apple Car, it’s expected to trigger emulation within the automotive industry, leading to the widespread integration of Micro LED technology in future vehicle models. TrendForce suggests that car manufacturers in Europe, America, and Japan show considerable enthusiasm for adopting Micro LED.

But what benefits does Micro LED bring to automotive applications? It’s understood that Micro LED can reduce power consumption, enhance brightness, and offer reliability. Considering the significant performance improvements and the push toward electric vehicles, once Micro LED’s benefits are demonstrated in automotive contexts, car manufacturers are expected to embrace it on a large scale.

However, the exact launch date of the Apple Car remains uncertain. While there were earlier speculations of a possible 2025 release, insiders now suggest Apple has pushed the launch to 2026. Though Apple initially had ambitious goals for Project Titan, the first Apple Car might adopt a more traditional design than initially envisioned, including features like a steering wheel and pedals.

Rumors suggest Apple’s ultimate goal for the Apple Car is to transform the cabin into a living room-like environment, with the aim of removing the steering wheel and pedals to achieve full self-driving capabilities. However, the initial Apple Car might showcase limited autonomous driving features and share design similarities with existing Tesla models.

(Photo credit: AUO)


75-inch TV Panels Surge, Laptop and Monitor Prices Stable to Slightly Up in Late August

August Sees TV Demand Fluctuations

Entering August, the TV brand demands echo with noise. Despite 7% Q3 growth, a noticeable dip from last month’s projections appears. Yet, panel makers hold steady, adjusting production and raising TV panel prices due to unclear trends for larger sizes. Expect strong TV panel prices in August, up by USD 2~8. Notably, 75-inch panels could surge around USD 8.

Monitor Panels in August: Steady Outlook

In August, as consumer model demands saturate and commercial model needs to stay low, brands approach price hikes cautiously. Despite this, panel manufacturers aim to increase prices. Expect minor upticks in monitor panel prices for August. Open Cell panels could see a convergence of price increases, around USD 0.1. Projections include USD 0.1 hikes for 21.5-inch, 23.8-inch, and 27-inch panels.

Laptop Panel in August: Cautious Price Adjustments

Looking at August laptop panel prices, constrained growth in Q3 demand from top-tier brands leads to a cautious stance on broad price increases. Most brands accept minor adjustments for low-end HD TN models. Meanwhile, specific manufacturers slightly raise prices for mid-to-high-end FHD IPS models to select customers, while mainstream prices remain restrained. Anticipate a USD 0.1 uptick for HD TN models and stable prices for FHD IPS models in August.


LGD, BOE Face Panel Quality Issues, SDC’s iPhone15 Panel Share Grows

Based on a recent analysis by TrendForce, LG Display is encountering a challenge with its supply of 6.7-inch panels and chassis for the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The issue revolves around tolerance, leading to the development of a growing dark spot (GDS) once the components are assembled. Unfortunately, this problem has hindered the successful passage of quality verification tests. Consequently, LGD’s production timeline is anticipated to face a one-month delay, awaiting the resumption of shipments following the completion of revalidation later this month. To manage the reduced panel supply during this interim period, Samsung Display (SDC) will step in and provide supplementary support.

From the standpoint of downstream assembly facilities, the adjustments in supply have the potential to impact production operations in Zhengzhou for approximately two weeks. It’s projected that by ramping up production subsequently, these effects can be mitigated.

On a different note, BOE has successfully achieved its goal for this year by participating in the development of panels for both the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus. However, owing to recent quality concerns necessitating mask adjustments, they might encounter a significant decrease in shipments. Simultaneously, since SDC is a key supplier for these two new models as well, they will step up to fill the void created by BOE’s supply shortfall.

Taking a historical perspective on BOE’s involvement in supplying iPhone panels, their journey began with the iPhone 12, providing components for repairs, and subsequently transitioning into regular supply for the iPhone 13. Their prowess in LTPS and OLED technology has been acknowledged. However, with the introduction of the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus models, which incorporate the Dynamic Island design featuring a center-hole punch, the demands placed on the panels have become more stringent. The alteration in mask design is likely a pivotal factor that requires additional time for BOE to optimize panel yield and quality.

TrendForce underscores that the issue pertaining to panel quality only marginally affects the overarching shipping schedule for the iPhone 15 series. Its main consequence lies in the reshuffling of panel suppliers, while SDC continues to assert its dominance as the primary supplier of new model iPhone panels this year, accounting for nearly 70% of the market share.


[News] Faced with Cost Pressure, Taiwanese DDI Suppliers Consider Opting for Chinese Foundries

According to a report from Ijiwei, a China-based media, industry insiders have revealed that Taiwanese display driver IC (DDI) suppliers are considering shifting their chip manufacturing to China due to cost considerations, as the prices offered by chip foundries there are significantly lower than those in Taiwan.

Almost all DDI suppliers are feeling substantial pressure to reduce the prices of display driver chips in the latter half of 2023. Industry sources state that while the touch and display driver integration (TDDI) chips for smartphone screens have nearly reached cost parity, the prolonged slump in the smartphone market has led display panel customers to shift the pressure upstream along the supply chain.

The downward pricing pressure on display driver chips isn’t confined to the smartphone sector alone. Medium and large panel customers in segments like TVs and automotive displays are also requesting more substantial discounts from DDI manufacturers. However, the pressure from these sectors is somewhat less pronounced than that from the smartphone sector.

(Photo credit: Transsion)


Micro OLED vs. Micro LED: Comparing AR Display Technologies

Apple has unveiled its long-awaited MR device, “Vision Pro,” which provides a clearer perspective on the potential and applications of AR devices. Despite not being as bulky as VR devices, Vision Pro still has a way to go before reaching the ideal form of AR glasses.

Apple’s Vision Pro utilizes Micro OLED technology and can display facial expressions on the outer screen. The industry anticipates that as AR technology evolves, a transition from Micro OLED to the equally next-gen Micro LED could make AR devices lightweight and more like glasses.

However, the question remains: what advantages does Micro LED bring to AR technology? Why did Apple opt for Micro OLED initially? And are there other display technologies suitable for AR applications?

AR devices: Striking a Balance between Ideal and Reality

In reality, achieving the truly ideal AR product might be premature given current technology. Most AR functional products strictly employ video see-through (VST) technology, where cameras capture real-world scenes, and computational and computer graphic techniques combine to display them on opaque screens.

The ideal is optical see-through (OST) technology, where users perceive the real world through a semi-transparent optical combiner in front of their eyes, coupled with projections onto the user’s eyes, merging the real and virtual worlds.

TrendForce discloses that ideal see-through smart glasses must meet three criteria: firstly, the display light engine must be compact, around 1 inch or smaller, to minimize the glasses’ wearing burden. Secondly, in terms of content recognition requirements, the display brightness specifications should reach at least 4,000 nits to ensure resistance to external factors like weather and environment. Lastly, the resolution must be at least 3,000 PPI for clear projected images.

Industry experts note that see-through AR glasses’ main scenarios are outdoors and on the move. These scenarios require consideration of outdoor weather and brightness, particularly as current waveguide lens efficiency is low, around 0.1-1%, causing substantial light loss. Generally, AR display brightness must exceed 1 million, even 10 million nits.

AR Glasses Development: Which Display Technology Holds the Edge?

Mainstream display technologies for AR glasses include PM(Passive Matrix) micro-display technology, AM(Active Matrix) micro-display technology, and scanning display technology.

PM micro-display technology encompasses LCD, LCOS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon), and DLP (Digital Light Processing) technologies, requiring RGB LED or RGB laser light sources. While mature, they tend to have larger light engines compared to other technologies.

AM micro-display technology includes Micro OLED and Micro LED. Micro OLED features self-emission properties but struggles with brightness. Micro LED outperforms Micro OLED in contrast, lifespan, and power efficiency, but integrating RGB remains challenging.

Scanning display technology (LBS) employs RGB lasers and MEMS for scanning imaging but might lead to speckle.

Analysis of Micro OLED, Micro LED, LCOS, and LBS Technologies

  • Micro OLED: Suited for VR/MR devices, but brightness is a limitation

Apple’s Vision Pro uses Micro OLED technology, but its organic light-emitting characteristics result in lower brightness compared to Micro LED, LBS, LCOS, and DLP.

Despite efforts to enhance brightness through different layers, pattern adjustments, and phosphorescent materials, increasing brightness shortens organic material lifespan. Sony remains a key Micro OLED provider, but but recent reports indicate that LGD (LG Display) has joined Apple’s Vision Pro Micro OLED supply chain, potentially boosting production and reducing costs.

  • Micro LED: Strongest contender for AR applications but faces technological challenges

Micro LED excels in PPI, brightness, contrast, and light engine size. However, its technological maturity is a major concern. Micro LED AR glasses predominantly display monochrome images due to colorization barriers. Achieving high resolution requires chip scaling, with Micro LED sizes shrinking to 5um. Challenges include uniform wavelength distribution and external quantum efficiency for red LEDs.

  • LCOS: Mature but high power consumption and low contrast limit development

LCOS is a common AR device display technology with low cost and broad color gamut. Its reflective nature achieves high brightness, up to 40% light utilization, and increased resolution as semiconductor processes refine. However, it suffers from low contrast and requires a polarizing beam splitter (PBS), hindering downsizing.

  • LBS: Small light engine rivaling Micro LED, but technology remains nascent

LBS employs RGB lasers as light sources, via optical element calibration and MEMS image scanning. Light then couples into waveguides. LBS offers high brightness, low power consumption, pure color, and high contrast. However, laser-induced speckle is possible. Ams OSRAM developed an RGB integrated laser with MEMS, shrinking the light engine to under 1cc.

Key Hurdle in AR Glasses Technology: Light Engine Size

Light engine size is pivotal for lightweight AR glasses. To achieve a near-normal glasses form factor, the light engine must be around 1cc or smaller, becoming an industry consensus.

For full-color light engines to reach this target, only LBS, Micro OLED, and Micro LED have opportunities. Micro LED’s pixel size, light efficiency, and brightness outperform Micro OLED, making it the preferred choice for light engines.

However, TrendForce states that while Micro LED’s technology maturity is evolving, challenges remain with red LED external quantum efficiency, micro display size, and FOV issues. Additionally, long-term wear and sensor integration for data transmission and processing pose further challenges.

(Photo credit: Apple)

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