Optical Semiconductors


LEDinside predicts LED TV penetration rate to be 2% in 2009 and 11% in 2012

LED TV market features infinite imagination space but is immature yet, LEDinside estimates the market penetration rate of LED TV to be 2% in 2009 and 11% in 2012 With the brand TV manufacturers all introducing new LCD TVs with LED backlights, LED TV has gradually become one of the trump applicatio...


Taiwan LED Street Lamp Manufactures 2009

The year 2009 has been expected to be the year of the rapid expanding of LED street light market. At present, the LED street light plans have been launched in batches in many cities in China. In Taiwan, because of the increased budget in domestic demand, such plans have also been released. The U...


Features on LED Street Lamp: 4 Trillion RMB Domestic Demand Stimulation Project Budget Lights The LED Street Lamps in China

With the global economy stepping down sharply, China is still under the pressure of keeping Economic Growth Rate no less than 8% this year, which has been indicated a tough challenge by many signs. In the end of last year, the State Council of China urgently put forward the Ten Measures to Increase ...


Taiwan LED Manufacturers Saw Substantial February Revenue Rise Due to Rush Orders for Replenishing Inventory

According to survey by LEDinside, the total Feb 2009 revenue of listed Taiwan LED suppliers reached NTD 3.74billion, up 33% than Jan 2009 (YoY-25%), with the revenue of LED chip manufacturers at NTD 1.496 billion, up 46% and that of LED packaging manufacturers improved by 25% at NTD 2.243 billion co...


The 01/2009 Revenue of Taiwan LED Manufacturers Appears to Strike the Bottom, Demand of High Power LED Increases

According to industry research institute LEDinside, the January 2009 total revenue of Taiwan upstream LED manufacturers is 2.743 billion NTD. With the lunar New Year influencing the total working days of the month, the revenue of January went on its dropping comparing with December, 2008 (MoM -15.9%...

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