According to TrendForce's latest memory spot price trend report, the spot price of DRAM remains weak, as Samsung’s reallocation of its D1A process to the manufacturing of HBM products did little help. As for NAND flash, overall transactions are also sitting on the enervated end due to weakening m...
Driven by memory giants ramping up high-bandwidth memory (HBM) production, according to a report from Korean media outlet TheElec, ASMPT, a back-end equipment maker, has supplied a demo thermal compression (TC) bonder for Micron's HBM production. TC bonders play a pivotal role in HBM production...
Recently, it was reported that to meet the increasing demand for memory chips driven by the artificial intelligence (AI) boom, both Samsung Electronics and Micron set about ramping up their memory chip production capacity. Samsung plans to restart construction of the new Pyeongtaek plant (P5) infras...
Orders for thermal compression (TC) bonders from South Korean semiconductor equipment manufacturers are experiencing a surge, fueled by Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix ramping up their high-bandwidth memory (HBM) production. TC bonders play a pivotal role in HBM production by employing thermal comp...
According to a report by Korean media outlet Business Korea, SK Hynix recently shared its latest breakthrough on its 3D DRAM at VLSI 2024 last week, announcing that the manufacturing yield of its 5-layer stacked 3D DRAM has reached 56.1%. This means that out of roughly 1,000 3D DRAM units manu...