Following Qualcomm’s recent launch of Snapdragon 8 Elite, it was confronted by Arm Holdings to terminate its architectural license agreement with Qualcomm, which permitted the U.S. chip giant to use Arm’s intellectual property for chip design, according to Bloomberg. According to the reports by ...
As Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset earlier this week, Samsung, which has been working on its in-house Exynos 2500 to improve the 3nm yield, is said to abandon the plan and go Snapdragon 8 Elite only for the entire Galaxy S25 series. To turn the tide, it is reportedly embarking on th...
Arm Holdings Plc is terminating its architectural license agreement with Qualcomm Inc., which permitted Qualcomm to use Arm's intellectual property for chip design, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. According to the report, Arm has issued a mandatory 60-day notice to Qualcomm regarding the cancella...
Rumors have been circulating for a while that China’s tech giants are capable of manufacturing chips in advanced nodes even without the need for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines by ASML, and that local foundry SMIC has reportedly produced 5nm chips for Huawei. Now there seems to be a...
The global semiconductor market is nearing the end of its inventory cycle. With the rise of AI-related applications, new energy vehicles, 5G, high-performance computing, and other emerging sectors, industry experts estimate that the global semiconductor industry could reach a valuation of $1 trillio...