According to TrendForce's latest memory spot price trend report, neither DRAM nor NAND spot prices show much momentum. Regarding DRAM, spot prices are still falling as Samsung is increasing the amount of reball DDR5 (D1Y) chips that come from decommissioned modules. As for NAND flash, the spot marke...
With the advent of the AI era, customer demand for high-performance NAND solutions such as SSDs for data centers, as well as ultra-fast DRAM chips including high bandwidth memory (HBM), is growing. In line with this trend, SK hynix has introduced a new product, PEB110 E1.S (PEB110), with improved da...
Recently, China has set two records in semiconductor chip sector: first, it mass-produced the world's first 28nm embedded RRAM image quality adjustment chip; second, it developed the world's first 16-bit quantum bit semiconductor microprocessor chip. Mass Production of the World's First 28nm Em...
As silicon photonics has become a key technology in the AI era, semiconductor giants, including Intel and TSMC, have joined the battlefield. Now another tech giant has engaged in the war, while U.S. chip giant AMD is reportedly seeking silicon photonics partners in Taiwan, according to local media U...
According to a report from tom’s Hardware, Jack Huynh, AMD's senior vice president and general manager of its Computing and Graphics Business Group, announced at IFA 2024 in Berlin that AMD will unify its consumer microarchitecture "RDNA" and data center microarchitecture "CDNA" under a single nam...