

Passive Component Industry Nearing Bottom, Embracing AI and Automotive

In the third quarter of 2023, the passive component industry’s inventory has returned to normal levels. However, it continues to deplete due to sluggish end-demand. Nevertheless, downstream customers in the mobile phone and automotive sectors have begun rebuilding their inventories. Ample Electronic Technology, a major manufacturer of conductive paste and thick-film conductor materials, has already seen a recovery in its August 2023 revenue, indicating that the inventory adjustment process in the passive component industry, which began in the fourth quarter of 2021, has gradually bottomed out over nearly two years.

TrendForce Insights:

  • Upstream operations in the passive component industry are rebounding, but true demand recovery awaits.

In the second quarter of 2023, the passive component industry’s inventory approached normal levels. However, due to weak end-demand, Chinese smartphone and PC manufacturers significantly reduced their component inventories in the second quarter of 2023, leading to continued poor performance for passive component manufacturers. It is expected that after hitting the bottom in the third quarter of 2023, operations will gradually improve. However, the timing of true demand recovery may need to wait until 2024, given the persistently sluggish consumer electronics market.

  • AI servers are on the rise, and inductive components are in demand.

General-purpose servers primarily use molding power inductors, with quantities ranging from 20 to 30, an ASP of approximately $0.07 to $0.1 per unit, and a current rating of only 30 to 40A. In contrast, AI servers have power consumption levels generally exceeding 1000W. To improve transient response performance, each AI server requires an additional 10 TLVR (Trans Inductor Voltage Regulator) inductors, with an ASP of around $0.3 per unit. This significantly increases the revenue of inductance components for AI servers compared to general-purpose servers.

  • Promising prospects in the automotive market, but validation takes time.

Conventional internal combustion engine vehicles require approximately 300 to 500 MLCCs (Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors), while Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) require between 2,000 and 2,500 MLCCs. Self-driving systems will also drive MLCC demand. For instance, in the case of automotive camera modules, the quantity increases from 2 to 10 to 15. From a holistic perspective, non-self-driving internal combustion engine vehicles require around 3,000 MLCCs, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) with Level 2 autonomy need over 6,000 MLCCs, and Level 3 Electric Vehicles (EVs) require more than 10,000 MLCCs. This leads to a significant increase in the revenue of automotive MLCCs.

However, entering the automotive sector is challenging and requires at least 1 to 2 years for certification. Nevertheless, once established, it can secure long-term agreements for at least 5 years. Additionally, compared to the slowing growth of the consumer electronics market, the automotive sector offers substantial opportunities and provides a buffer against the cyclicality of passive component industries.


[NEWS] YMTC’s NAND Flash Production Fully Booked for 6 Months, High Demand from Smartphone and Module Manufacturers

Report to Voice, After the release of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, various components have begun to experience the long-lost sensation of surging demand, replenishment, and stockpiling. With the launch of the Apple iPhone 15, the once sluggish global consumer electronics market has suddenly come back to life. The current mindset among storage manufacturers is clear: regardless of whether there is a real or perceived shortage, the goal before the year-end is to raise prices until they are no longer incurring losses.

Leading storage giants have gone through a series of price drops, losses, and production reductions, and are now officially entering the “price hike” phase. Samsung, SK Hynix, Micron, and others have already expressed their intention to raise NAND Flash contract prices.

According to TrendForce latest price projection on NAND Flash, in response to persistent softening in demand, Samsung has taken a decisive step: a sweeping 50% production cut from September, with the focus mainly on processes under 128 layers. Other suppliers are also expected to follow suit and increase their production cutbacks in the fourth quarter to accelerate inventory reduction. With this maneuver in play, Q4 NAND Flash average prices are projected to either hold firm or witness a mild surge, possibly in the ballpark of 0~5%.

YMTC now is facing surging demand from both smartphone and module manufacturers. It is reported that the production capacity for the period up to 1H24 has already been fully booked, with PC and server manufacturers sharing the capacity, while module manufacturers may receive a smaller share.

The current NAND Flash market situation is such that trying to negotiate increased supply with NAND Flash manufacturers like Samsung, Micron, and YMTC may yield little new capacity, and accepting higher prices may be inevitable.

The sudden pre-sale launch of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro has undoubtedly acted as a major catalyst for the current smartphone market. Without it, many smartphone supply chain companies believed that the smartphone market wouldn’t recover until the second half of 2024, and the most pessimistic among them even doubted if it would improve by 2024. The release of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro and the Apple iPhone 15 has injected a long-awaited warmth into the global smartphone market, reinvigorating the entire smartphone component supply chain.

In recent times, the top-tier iPhone 15 Pro Max from Apple’s iPhone 15 series is expected to be available only in November, which some interpret as a sign of strong demand. However, it is more likely due to production bottlenecks, particularly related to technologies like CIS, which have resulted in limited shipments of the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Overall, the estimated shipment volume for the iPhone 15 series may still reach up to 80 million units.

Is this resurgence in smartphone demand a lasting trend with increased consumer willingness to upgrade, or is it a temporary phenomenon? Optimists and conservatives hold differing views, but what is certain is that the global smartphone shipment volume has entered a mature phase, with limited room for significant growth driven solely by new features. However, the storage capacity in each smartphone continues to increase, providing substantial opportunities for existing supply chain manufacturers.

While new opportunities like automotive and AI have emerged, there is still no demand in any new field that can entirely replace the massive smartphone market. Therefore, the consensus within the global tech industry is that for the economy to rebound, the consumer electronics sector, particularly smartphones, is indispensable at this stage. AI and electric vehicles alone cannot take the place of smartphones. (Image credit: YMTC)


[News] OPPO Denies Chip Design Restart Rumors

According to a report from China Media Jiwei, there are recent rumors suggesting that the Chinese smartphone brand OPPO may restart its chip design business and has begun recruiting former employees from ZEKU. In response, OPPO stated that the company has terminated its ZEKU business and declined to provide further comments.

On May 12th of this year, OPPO announced that due to global economic uncertainties and a volatile smartphone market, the company needed to make strategic adjustments to address long-term challenges. Following a decision by the Executive Management Team, the ZEKU business was terminated. The company is committed to handling all related matters resulting from this business adjustment and will continue to create value through its products.

ZEKU issued a notice stating that the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and branches would be dissolved starting from May 12th. They would also legally terminate all labor contracts. Starting on May 19th, they began signing compensation agreements with employees, providing compensation of N+3, and consolidating all May salaries into a single monthly payment. Social insurance and housing fund for May were also processed.

It is worth noting that before the business termination, ZEKU had a workforce of over 3,000 employees, with 2,500 of them based in China. In terms of personnel scale, it was one of China’s top-tier chip design companies. Established four years ago, ZEKU attracted talent from well-known chip design enterprises such as Spreadtrum, Hisilicon, Qualcomm, as well as recruiting numerous talents from renowned domestic microelectronics institutions through campus recruitment efforts.

(Photo credit: OPPO)


[News] Has the AI Chip Buying Frenzy Cooled Off? Microsoft Rumored to Decrease Nvidia H100 Orders

According to a report by Taiwanese media TechNews, industry sources have indicated that Microsoft has recently reduced its orders for Nvidia’s H100 graphics cards. This move suggests that the demand for H100 graphics cards in the large-scale artificial intelligence computing market has tapered off, and the frenzy of orders from previous customers is no longer as prominent.

In this wave of artificial intelligence trends, the major purchasers of related AI servers come from large-scale cloud computing service providers. Regarding Microsoft’s reported reduction in orders for Nvidia’s H100 graphics cards, market experts point to a key factor being the usage of Microsoft’s AI collaboration tool, Microsoft 365 Copilot, which did not perform as expected.

Another critical factor affecting Microsoft’s decision to reduce orders for Nvidia’s H100 graphics cards is the usage statistics of ChatGPT. Since its launch in November 2022, this generative AI application has experienced explosive growth in usage and has been a pioneer in the current artificial intelligence trend. However, ChatGPT experienced a usage decline for the first time in June 2023.

Industry insiders have noted that the reduction in Microsoft’s H100 graphics card orders was predictable. In May, both server manufacturers and direct customers stated that they would have to wait for over six months to receive Nvidia’s H100 graphics cards. However, in August, Tesla announced the deployment of a cluster of ten thousand H100 graphics cards, meaning that even those who placed orders later were able to receive sufficient chips within a few months. This indicates that the demand for H100 graphics cards, including from customers like Microsoft, has already been met, signifying that the fervent demand observed several months ago has waned.

(Photo credit: Nvidia)


Continuous Production Cuts by Memory Manufacturers: When Will Supply and Demand Find Balance?

Due to factors such as high inflation, sluggish demand in the consumer electronics sector, and other influences, the memory market has experienced a downturn. Major manufacturers like Kioxia and Micron began reducing capacity in the fourth quarter of the previous year, and in 2023, Samsung announced its entry into the production reduction trend. However, as market demand continues to weaken, the memory market in 2023 has yet to show signs of recovery, with prices continuing to decline and manufacturers facing operational pressure.

In this context, some memory manufacturers are hoping to stabilize prices and rebalance market supply and demand by continuing to reduce production.

According to reports from Taiwan’s media The Commercial Times,” DRAM manufacturer Nanya Technology is following the footsteps of major players by adjusting production capacity, lowering utilization rates, flexibly adjusting product portfolios and capex, and dynamically adapting to customer demands and market changes to cope with the weak market conditions. It is expected that production capacity will be adjusted dynamically, with reductions of up to 20%.

Previously, TrendForce’s research showed that due to DRAM suppliers initiating production cuts one after another, overall DRAM supply bits have decreased quarter by quarter. Coupled with seasonal demand support, this has eased the pressure on supplier inventories. It is expected that the price decline in the third quarter for DRAM will converge to around 0-5%. However, due to the fact that supplier inventories remain high throughout the year, there is still significant pressure for DRAM prices to bottom out and rebound, with the actual stabilization and recovery likely to occur in 2024.

As for NAND Flash, recent surveys by TrendForce indicate that, in response to the continued weakening demand, Samsung has announced an increase in production cuts starting from September, with reductions mainly focused on processes below 128 layers. Other suppliers are expected to follow suit and expand production cuts in the fourth quarter to accelerate inventory reduction.

As NAND Flash manufacturers expand their production cut efforts, TrendForce estimates that NAND Flash prices in the fourth quarter are expected to remain stable or see a slight increase, with an estimated increase of approximately 0-5%. However, if the upward trend in NAND Flash prices is to continue into 2024, it will still rely on sustained production reductions, as well as the observation of whether Enterprise SSD purchase orders will see a significant resurgence.

(Photo credit: Micron)

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