Samsung's upcoming flagship Galaxy S24 series, reportedly set to be unveiled in mid-January 2024, will feature Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor. This new series will highlight Samsung's first-ever generative AI smartphone, with a sales target expected to increase by over 10% compared ...
In the spot market, DRAM prices are showing a slight divergence from the contract market. Spot demand has decreased, preventing further price increases for DRAM chips. Meanwhile, NAND Flash prices have been rising due to ongoing wafer shortage. However, spot quotations for NAND Flash packaged dies r...
On November 7th, Intel held its "Intel Innovation Taipei 2023 Technology Forum", with CEO Pat Gelsinger highlighting the healthy state of PC inventory. He also expressed optimism about the injection of several more years of innovative applications and evolution in PCs through AI. Intel Aims to ...
During an earnings call in November 2023, Isao Matsumoto, President of ROHM Semiconductor, disclosed the company's plans to the production of 8-inch SiC substrates at its second plant in Miyazaki, Japan, starting in 2024. This is the first time ROHM will produce SiC substrates in Japan. Notably, ...
On November 4th, the "Annual Production of 250k 6-inch and 50k 8-inch SiC Substrate Project" was officially initiated by China Jingsheng Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. (JSG). It is driven by the objective of advancing crucial core technologies in semiconductor material development, ultimately...