Despite facing sanctions from the United States, Huawei continues to advance its 5G technology by gradually reducing reliance on American components in its base stations. Meanwhile, the White House is rallying its allies to block the adoption of Huawei's 5G equipment. However, these challenges haven...
As seen from the market, components of power semiconductors are mostly used in industrial fields, including motor control, rail transit, wireless power supply, energy control, and smart grid, which occupy more than 30% in the long run that is expected to arrive at 35% in 2021, followed by automotive...
Press Releases
Chinese and European suppliers of base station equipment are expected to once again account for a global market share of more than 70% in 2021, and the top three suppliers (along with their respective market shares) are, in order, China-based Huawei (30%), Sweden-based Ericsson (23%), and Finland-ba...