Apple has finally launched the Vision Pro, an MR device equipped with Micro OLED, but the debut of the Apple Watch with Micro LED panels has been repeatedly delayed. According to a report from TechNews, industry insiders revealed that the production timeline for the Micro LED Apple Watch has been pu...
In-Depth Analyses
Apple's plan to release the first Apple Watch with a Micro LED display in 2024 has reportedly been delayed until the second half of 2025 or later due to production challenges. However, this delay shows Apple's cautious approach to technology and evaluation. This delay shows Apple's prudence and asse...
Smart watch shipments reached 107 million units in 2021, surpassing the shipments of smart bands for the first time. Smart bands declined in 2021 with only 70.33 million units delivered. As branded manufacturers strengthen their investment in the smart watch market, market growth has accelerated. Du...
Press Releases
Apple is set to unveil the successors to its current device lineups at this year’s fall product launch on September 14. Please see below for some of TrendForce's latest data pertaining to the global consumer electronics market: Although the tight supply of certain components due to complica...