DC/DC converter


[Report Highlights] GaN in Automotive Applications and Who’s Leading?

  • The competitive advantage of automotive GaN components is becoming increasingly prominent.

Leveraging their exceptional material characteristics, SiC components are rapidly making inroads into sectors such as automotive, renewable energy, and power PFC. Similarly, GaN components are excelling in the field of rapid charging for terminal devices. Additionally, GaN components are gaining greater visibility in the automotive and networking sectors.

In traction inverters and onboard chargers for electric vehicles, SiC components have already become the mainstream alternative to Si components. Furthermore, the demand for SiC components in automotive DC/DC converters continues to rise. As for GaN components, their potential remains significant in onboard chargers for electric vehicles, and their competitive edge is increasingly evident in automotive electronic components, LiDAR, wireless communication modules, and audio systems. It is estimated that by 2025, in the GaN component application market share, the new energy vehicle sector will account for 21%, representing an approximately 9% growth from 2023.

  • China’s Semiconductor Self-Sufficiency offer it’s domestic supply chain a chance to seize opportunities.

Considering China’s position as the world’s largest automobile market, domestic automakers in China are highly enthusiastic about adopting innovative technologies and applications. It is anticipated that the Chinese market will be a major driver of demand for automotive GaN components. On the other hand, in the context of ongoing tensions between China and the United States, semiconductor self-sufficiency has become China’s primary policy for breaking through technological barriers and sustaining technological development momentum. Compound semiconductor is a project actively promoted by both the Chinese government and private sector, making China’s GaN component supply chain even more worthy of attention.

Currently, China’s domestic major GaN substrate and epitaxy suppliers include Sino Nitride Group and Nanowin. Companies specializing in GaN epitaxy include SinoGaN, Enkris Semiconductor, Genettice, and Best Compound Semiconductor. IDM manufacturers in this field include Sanan Optoelectronics, Silan, Runxin, CorEnergy, Innoscience, and SMEI. As the demand for automotive GaN components in China continues to rise, these aforementioned companies may seize the opportunity.

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