The Tokyo Motor Show, which recently opened in Japan, has garnered global attention from the automotive industry, particularly regarding EV technology, seen as the future of the automotive sector. Just like Toyota, a leader in the Japanese automotive industry, Nissan has showcased its ongoing develo...
Foxconn Technology Group held its Tech Day on October 18, 2023, focusing on three key areas: AI Smart Factories, CDMS (Contract Design and Manufacturing Services), and Model N. TrendForce's insights: Increasing EV Adoption Crucial for Sustained Growth According to an intention survey by G...
On the 25th of October, the European Commission announced that, through a sampling method, it has selected three Chinese automakers: BYD, SAIC Motor, and Geely, to initiate an anti-subsidy investigation. The EU had previously declared its intent to investigate electric vehicles originating from C...
Under strong government support, South Korean automakers are making remarkable strides in the global automotive market. Hyundai Motor, the largest car manufacturer in South Korea, reported a significant surge in its third-quarter operating profit, doubling year-on-year, primarily fueled by the robus...
In the wake of ongoing labor strikes affecting the U.S. automotive industry, major players are recalibrating their investment plans. Ford announced today that it will temporarily delay its $12 billion investment in electric vehicles, including the construction of its second battery factory in partne...