As Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset earlier this week, Samsung, which has been working on its in-house Exynos 2500 to improve the 3nm yield, is said to abandon the plan and go Snapdragon 8 Elite only for the entire Galaxy S25 series. To turn the tide, it is reportedly embarking on th...
According to a report from South Korean media outlet HankYung, Samsung plans to unveil its next-generation flagship Galaxy S25 series in January 2025, including the Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+, and the top-tier Galaxy S25 Ultra. Contrary to earlier rumors of a dual-processor strategy which offers dif...
In addition to the strong memory momentum which contributes to Samsung’s soaring profits in the second quarter, the tech giant’s progress on the foundry and chip business also attracts attention. According to its press release on July 31st, Samsung expects its foundry revenue growth to outpace t...
Rumors have been circulating regarding Samsung’s 3nm yield recently. The latest market speculation on June 25th alleged that Samsung’s foundry plant encountered a defect impacting 2,500 lots in the 3nm second-generation process, reportedly leading to a loss of 1 trillion won (USD 720 million), a...
According to a report from Korean media outlet ZDNet Korea, the yield rate for Samsung Electronics' latest Exynos 2500 processor has improved to slightly below 20% from single digits in the first quarter. However, the current yield rate is still said to be falling short of mass production standards...