To turn adversity around, Intel launched its latest AI accelerator, Gaudi 3, in late September. However, a report by the Economic Daily News indicates that the struggling giant has significantly slashed the chip’s shipment targets by over 30% for next year, which may severely impact orders for its...
The wild journey of Intel has yet to end, as tech giants have been approaching the company for potential acquisitions. In addition to Qualcomm, UK-based Arm is also said to inquire the possibility of acquiring the struggling chipmaker’s product division, according to the latest report by Bloomberg...
A few weeks ago, Intel is said to be seeking assistance from the U.S. government, as CEO Pat Gelsinger reportedly turned to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to emphasize the significance of U.S. chip manufacturing. Now here’s the latest development: according to a report by Bloomberg, the U.S. Hou...
Rumors are going around the market about Intel’s next move, as names of big techs, such as Qualcomm, have been brought up as potential buyers. On the other hand, U.S.-based asset management firm Apollo is also said to be showing interest in making an equity-like investment worth up to USD 5 billio...
After Intel settled down plans for restructuring last week, revealing schemes to transform its foundry business into an independent unit with its own board, some potential buyers have been reportedly emerged. After Qulacomm’s rumored proposal of a friendly takeover, latest reports by Bloomberg and...