Apple's iPhone is gaining even more popularity in India, with Tata Group, India's conglomerate, reportedly preparing to build a new iPhone assembly plant. According to Bloomberg, this move aligns with Apple's broader manufacturing strategy expansion in India. Previously reported by TrendForce, Ap...
Foxconn has announced plans to invest over USD 1.5 billion in expanding its facilities in India. This substantial investment, a rarity in recent years, has sparked speculation that Foxconn is preparing for the introduction of new iPhone products in India. Due to reports suggesting that in the sec...
Press Releases
According to Bloomberg's report, Taiwanese company Wistron, previously one of Apple's iPhone assembly suppliers in India, has agreed to sell its 100% stake in Wistron InfoComm Manufacturing (India) Private Ltd. to Tata Group for $125 million on October 27, 2023. Wistron will formally exit Apple's su...
Major optical manufacturer, Largan Precision, held its online Q3 earnings conference on October 12, 2023. During the session, Chairman Lin En-ping's responses to inquiries from analysts conveyed that the previously sluggish smartphone market might finally witness an upturn in Q4, as the iPhone 15 Pr...
Chinese media reported on the 22nd that China's regulatory authorities are conducting investigations into Foxconn's factories in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Henan, and Hubei. This comes at a time when Apple's iPhone 15 series is in full production and seeing high shipment volumes. The investigation may pote...