

[News] Hong Kong Kicked-off Construction of the First GaN Epi-Wafer Pilot Line

To jointly promote the development of Hong Kong’s microelectronics industry, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and MassPhoton (Hong Kong) held a launch ceremony for Hong Kong’s first ultra-high vacuum “Third-Generation Semiconductor Gallium Nitride Epitaxial Wafer Pilot Line” on July 30.

Reportedly, MassPhoton will move into the newly established Microelectronics Center (MEC) to build Hong Kong’s first 8-inch gallium nitride (GaN) epi-wafer pilot line.

According to reports from media like China News Service, MassPhoton plans to invest at least HKD 200 million in Hong Kong to establish the region’s first global R&D center for third-generation semiconductor GaN epitaxial processes in the Hong Kong Science Park. The center will develop an advanced 8-inch GaN epi-wafer process and equipment platform for the production of GaN optoelectronic and power devices.

In addition, MassPhoton will set up Hong Kong’s first ultra-high vacuum production GaN epi-wafer pilot line in the Innovation Park for small-scale production.

The pilot line is expected to be completed, followed by the construction of a GaN epi-wafer mass production line in Hong Kong, creating over 250 microelectronics-related jobs, including epi-wafer and equipment design, production process development, and more, thereby generating substantial economic value.

Currently, the global semiconductor industry is developing rapidly, simultaneously boosting the GaN market size. According to a previous TrendForce’s report, the global GaN power device market is expected to grow from USD 180 million in 2022 to USD 1.33 billion in 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of up to 65%.

Against this backdrop, Hong Kong has prioritized the development of third-generation semiconductor as a key technology field in recent years. For instance, in May 2024, the Finance Committee of the Hong Kong Legislative Council approved a significant investment of HKD 2.83 billion to establish the “Hong Kong Microelectronics R&D Center,” focusing on third-generation semiconductor technologies.

This plan includes setting up a pilot production line equipped with a broad range of critical tools such as I-line lithography equipment, photoresist development tools, high-temperature ion implanters, high-temperature annealing furnaces, and thin-film tools.

Sun Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, introduced that the government is actively promoting the development of microelectronics industry, and the Hong Kong Microelectronics R&D Institute will be established within the year, accompanying the construction of a SiC pilot line and a GaN pilot line.

The goal is to assist startups and SMEs in trial production, testing, and certification, fostering collaboration across industry, academia, and research in core technologies of third-generation semiconductor industry.

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(Photo credit: Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation)

Please note that this article cites information from China News Service and WeChat account DRAMeXchange.

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