Following the recent launch of the Arm-based PC platform processor Snapdragon X Elite, which received high market acclaim, Qualcomm is reportedly doubling down by venturing into server processors. This expansion is expected to further intensify the competition amid traditional server processor giant...
Qualcomm is actively entering the AI PC market with a new processor unveiled on April 25th, reportedly featuring Arm architecture and produced on a 4nm process, igniting a new battle in non-x86 architecture AI PC processors. Industry sources cited by the report from Economic Daily News have antic...
Recently, the semiconductor industry has seen three acquisitions. Qualcomm announced the acquisition of, a leading provider of IoT and cloud development security services, with its flagship product FoundriesFactory being well-regarded in the industry. Microchip Technology acquired Ne...
Qualcomm was fined NTD 23.4 billion by Taiwan's Fair Trade Commission in 2017 for antitrust violations. Both parties reached a settlement the following year, which sparked some official discontent. However, a report from Korean media outlet The Elec has pointed out that this move ultimately cont...
The global laptop and PC market is experiencing a gradual recovery, driven by the growing trend of AI-powered PCs (AIPC). Consequently, as per a report from TechNews, the competition to enhance AI chip computing power has emerged as a key global focus. One of the competitors, Intel, during its ...