Rumors have been circulating regarding Samsung’s 3nm yield recently. The latest market speculation on June 25th alleged that Samsung’s foundry plant encountered a defect impacting 2,500 lots in the 3nm second-generation process, reportedly leading to a loss of 1 trillion won (USD 720 million), a...
As China keeps reducing its reliance on the global semiconductor supply chain with strong support from the authority, two major smartphone manufacturers reportedly claim to have already taped out their own 4nm mobile processors. According to the reports by Liberty Times and Commercial Times, Xiaomi ...
According to a report by the Korean media outlet The Chosun Daily on June 16th, Samsung's "Galaxy Tab S10" series tablets will be equipped with MediaTek's Dimensity 9300+ application processor (AP) from Taiwan, marking the first instance of MediaTek's AP being adopted by Samsung's flagship tablet. ...
With the United States expected to further restrict China from acquiring advanced GAA (Gate-All-Around) chip architecture capabilities, coupled with reports of poor yield rates in Samsung's 3nm GAA generation, the semiconductor industry sources cited in a report from Commercial Times state that TSMC...
MediaTek is making further strides in AI applications, focusing on the integration of smartphones and AR/MR devices. According to a report from the Economic Daily News, they look to capitalize on the significant business opportunities presented by 3D imaging combined with generative AI for immersive...